“Each time faster”. Doctors reveal the reasons for the danger of the new strain of Cor


11:36 p. M.

Sunday 20 December 2020

I wrote – Hind Khalifa

There are many fears that the world lives after the announcement of the discovery of a new and more dangerous strain of the emerging corona virus, which was described as “out of control” in Great Britain, causing around 1,200 infections in the last five days, According to the British newspaper “Observer”, which led to the imposition of several countries European restrictions on travel to and from Great Britain due to the appearance of this new strain of the Corona virus.

About this new strain and to find out more details about it, “Masrawy” got in touch with two doctors specializing in viruses and immunology, to clarify the extent of the severity of this strain and its impact on the vaccines that will circulate, as well as the possibility of its appearance in Egypt.

The Corona virus is created to mutate!

Dr. Fayed Attia, a researcher in medical viruses and immunology at the City of Scientific Research in Egypt and the Shantou University School of Medicine in China, says that the Covid 19 virus was created to genetically mutate, especially during the season of winter, indicating that this viruses are always more resistant to live longer and therefore develop.

Attia explains to “Masrawy” that there are two types of viruses, one of which contains its genetic material in the double DNA “DNA”, while the second type of virus contains the unique DNA “RNA”, which indicates that viruses in general they are highly mutated, evolving and changing. Genetic, but viruses that contain “RNA” are more mutated and evolved and change their genes from time to time.

He added that the mutation of this virus gives it more power, being generalized and making the disease more severe, in addition to being more resistant to drugs and treatment, indicating that this is what happens with the Corona virus, since it is a virus with a high degree of development and mutations, and it is very similar. Viruses (influenza – AIDS – C).

The most violent and widespread of races.

And about the new strain that appeared and began to spread in Denmark and the Netherlands, he says that some researchers in the field of immunology and epidemics confirmed that it is more widespread and causes the disease, noting that it is more violent than the strains that appeared before. .

He also pointed out that this new strain will affect people because the genetic developments of the virus can cause infection more violently or more quickly, and in a short time the situation deteriorates rapidly, noting that this strain may be more resistant to the drugs of protocol that patients take and therefore will not have no treatment effect.

Study its effect on the vaccines offered

Regarding the effect of this strain on the vaccines that will be put on the market, Attia explains that the strains do not have great differences, and that vaccine designers are designing the most stable part of the virus genome, so that it affects all the strains, but at the same time pointed out the need to study the vaccines on offer. And its impact on the new strain, especially since it is dangerous for all strains, more severe and more widespread.

He added that some studies say that researchers took samples from patients with the new strain, and performed a genetic sequence, and found that there is a major defect in the protein (the protein on the surface of the virus), and therefore affects a lot to vaccinations, which made it necessary to be there. A careful study of it and its impact on the strain and its response to vaccines on the market, and knowing the extent of its need to be modified to suit it, especially since most European vaccines (Pfizer – Modern – AstraZinka) target a part of the Spike protein genome.

The number of virus strains is expected to reach 1,000 until the end of the epidemic.

He stressed that it was not and will not be the first or the last strain, the virus is constantly mutating, which indicates that the virus strains can reach a thousand until the end of the epidemic, explaining that the virus has a cycle in which changes, so as soon as it enters the cell it begins to multiply until a new copy of the virus comes out, which is similar. This is because it performs the reproduction process within the cell to control it.

He added that the cycle of the Corona virus takes a period ranging from a week to ten days, two weeks or even 28 days, and in the latest study it is said that the virus has genetic changes and mutations twice a month during which they can occur. changes in the strain, indicating that these changes occur because the virus is fighting it. Immunity, drugs ingested, climatic conditions, environment and medium in which it is transported.

Attia did not rule out that genetic developments and mutations cause more pathogenic or violent strains, indicating that there are other viruses whose mutations are less severe than the original strain and the new strain is less pathogenic and widespread than the original copy, but unfortunately, all the Covid-19 mutations that he came up with are more violent. And an extension of the previous one.

Three strains in Egypt … two of them are the strongest

He noted that according to Danish research last June that revealed that the world is facing more than 30 strains, while another research in September said that there are more than 100 strains that have been monitored around the world during the period of the epidemic, While in Egypt, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Health, there are three strains, including a less severe strain and two violent strains, refer to the cause of the rapidly spreading situation these days and the increasing mortality of these two strains.

Attia expected the development of vaccines for Corona every year as is the case for influenza vaccines, so each year a new strain of the virus changes with the vaccine, which explains that the Corona virus is closer in terms of mutations and genetic changes than influenza, and consequently all vaccines offered in the next year, a new release depending on the strains deployed, a seasonal vaccine is also expected to be available every year or six months.

On the possibility of transmitting the new strain of the virus to Egypt, he said that there is a possibility of this happening through travel and aviation, highlighting the need to implement stricter procedures at airports, conduct a thorough examination, and not just measure temperature, to recommend passing BCR tests. For those who come from the countries where the new breed appeared (Great Britain – Denmark – Holland – Belgium).

70% increase in your ability to infect.

For his part, Dr. Magdy Badran, a member of the Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology, says that the new strain is spreading rapidly and becoming infected, but has not seen an increase in deaths, noting that there is no evidence of make it resistant to all new vaccines.

Badran added to “Masrawy” that the new strain has achieved a dangerous increase of up to 70% in its ability to infect and therefore the short-term scope of this strain is unknown, indicating that it was monitored in 60 sites in Great Britain, and that the World Health Organization announced that they have been identified in Neverland, Denmark and Australia.

He noted that the new strain has not yet been detected in Egypt, but there is a possibility that it will emerge, especially that it is spreading rapidly, which does not prevent its transmission to Egypt and North Africa, and noted that its arrival in Australia says it has the ability to transmit.

The new strain developed in a patient in Great Britain.

Dr. Yasser El-Sherbiny, professor of immunology at the University of Tottingham Nirent, explains the reason for the appearance of the new strain because a patient was infected with the virus for a long time, until he could improve himself to produce that strain and thus transmit it from this person to others.

El-Sherbiny added, in an intervention with the storytelling program presented by Amr Adib at MBC Egypt, Sunday, that faxers can resist this new strain, highlighting that it is necessary to deal with it so that the person has immunity against this virus.

He noted that there is concern about the development of the virus and its escape from vaccines that are resistant to it, since it always changes shape to ensure its existence for a longer period, but it is safer to take it during that period until the researchers decide. for a vaccine that includes all the developments and strains of the virus.
