Doctor Reveals Simple Way to Prevent Epstein-Barr Virus



Doctor Reveals Simple Way to Prevent Epstein-Barr Virus

Globallookpress Sigrid Gombert /

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The famous Russian physician, Alexander Miasnikov, announced that the Epstein-Barr virus “human herpes virus” is one of the most widespread viruses on Earth, carried by 95% of the world’s population.

In a television interview, he indicates that following a healthy lifestyle and practicing physical activity contribute to strengthening the body’s immunity, which “controls” the virus.

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He adds that 90% of the carriers of the virus become infected with it during childhood without showing any symptoms that indicate that they are infected, and its spread cannot be prevented. But when the Epstein-Barr virus is activated, it causes serious diseases like lymphoma, head and neck cancer, plays a role in the development of multiple sclerosis, and causes leukemia. There is nothing to fear as long as the virus is under the control of the immune system.

But anything that lowers and weakens the body’s immunity can stimulate the activity of this virus. These factors include stress, lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, lack of treatment for chronic diseases, and lack of physical activity.

He says: “This confirms once again the need to follow a correct lifestyle, move and not be inactive.” Because physical activity gives a person the strength to fight disease, he adds.

According to him, “if a person is physically active, he is also intellectually active, and this means that he has a strong immune system.” Let’s cooperate and make joint efforts to prevent the spread of this virus. He says, “Let’s fight disease with the power of mind and movement and remove our flaws, and then everything will be fine.”

Source: Vesti. Ru
