Denmark Starts Culling 2.5 Million Animals Due to Corona … Learn the Details


Danish authorities have started to dispose of at least 2.5 million mink animals in the north of the country, due to the outbreak of the Corona virus in more than 63 mink farms in the country.

In this regard, the government official, Fleming Corrie Marker, revealed that the Danish Food and Veterinary Medicine Administration deals with the execution of infected animals, while farm owners within a radius of 8 kilometers from an infected farm will have to kill their animals themselves, noting that the execution began in the village of Goel. West Aalborg, noting that “it can last for months, depending on the spread of the virus,” according to Sputnik.

The Veterinary Medicine Administration said that breeders who have uninfected animals “from you” will receive 100% compensation, while those with infected animals will receive less incentive. Denmark is among the world’s largest mink exporters, with an estimated production of 17 million. Skins annually.

The execution of mink animals threatens the entire fur industry, and Taj Pedersen, president of the Danish Fur Breeders Association, confirmed that the Corona pandemic could threaten the entire profession, adding: “We are not sure what to do. with the calamity that fell on our heads. “

Scientists are still looking at how mink animals were infected and if they could transmit the virus to humans, and some may have contracted the virus from infected workers, with Dutch authorities saying that “ some farm workers became infected with the virus in a later time from mink animals. ”
