December Salary Pay Dates for Government Employees


11:36 a. M.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Books – Mustafa Eid:

Next week, the Ministry of Finance will begin to disburse the salaries of the current month of December for the employees of the state administrative apparatus in a period of 3 days, from Tuesday, December 22 to Thursday, December 24, provided that the ministries and various authorities are divided into the three days.

The Ministry of Finance divides the salary disbursement dates into 3 days, in order to take into account the absence of crowds at ATMs in one day, in order to disburse these salaries to avoid contagion with the emerging coronavirus.

The ministries and agencies that will receive salaries next Tuesday include the ministries of health, social solidarity, supplies, transportation, communications, labor force, war production, immigration, business public sector, parliamentary affairs, interior, endowments, culture, antiquities, housing and Commerce. Industry, civil aviation, environment, tourism and oil.

The disbursement of salaries on Tuesday, December 22, includes the bodies attached to these ministries, among which are the public service and economic services and organizations, the health, social solidarity, supply and trade, roads and transport, hand of work, housing and public services.

The bodies that will spend their employees’ salaries on Tuesday also include the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, the National Council for Human Rights, the Supreme Press Council, the General Secretariat of the National Defense Council, the General Secretariat of the Security Council. National, the Central Audit Institution and the House of Representatives.

The following day, Wednesday, December 23, the salaries of workers from the ministries of higher education, local development, justice, electricity, planning, investment and international cooperation and their affiliated agencies will be disbursed, as well as offices of all governorates, directorates organization and administration and universities of various governorates.

On Wednesday, after the next one, the salaries will be paid to judicial workers, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office Authority, the State Cases Authority, the State Council, the Administrative Control Authority, the Financial Supervision Authority, the Supreme Constitutional Court, the Egyptian Chamber of Ifta, the Supreme Elections Committee, the Institute of Financial Services and the agency. Central for organization and management.

On the third day, Thursday, December 24, this month’s salaries will be paid by workers from the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Land Recovery, Water Resources and Irrigation, Foreign Affairs, Youth and Sports, Finance, and entities affiliated to these ministries, as well as the departments of education, agriculture, veterinary medicine, youth and sports of the governorates.

Salaries will also be disbursed on the Thursday following the next, the employees of the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Presidency of the Republic, and the rest of the other organizations whose salaries were not spent in the two days previous.

On Sunday and Monday, December 27 and 28, the Ministry of Finance will allow the disbursement of salaries to all agencies for those who have not paid their salaries from government agencies during the days indicated.
