Dates and number of days of attendance. Characteristics of the new academic year in 33 items


“Al-Bawaba News” publishes the characteristics of the new academic year before its official announcement, which was as follows:

1- Attendance is only two days for all academic levels.

2- Organize dates of attendance and reduce the density of classrooms.

3- In the event that there is a specific activity that requires dividing the students into groups, the number of individuals in each group is reduced by increasing the number of groups.

4- When the child leaves the house, take into account washing their hands with soap and water and placing the usual mask on their face appropriately.

5- The tutor gives the student his own food and drink, and recommends that he not buy from “street vendors”.

6- In case the child has symptoms, parents should not send him to school and inform the bus supervisor.

7- A thermal scan is performed for each child before receiving it from the tutor and before boarding the bus.

8- It is observed that the children are not crowded to get on the school bus.

9- Sit one child in every two adjacent chairs.

10- Periodically disinfect common surfaces on school buses before using them to transport students with good ventilation.

11- Upon exiting the bus, students are instructed to move to a seat and the supervisor responsible for the transportation process begins to get off.

12- Conducting a thermal check on the doors of the schools to ensure that students, teachers, school support staff and visitors are free of high body temperature.

13- Assign entry and exit doors with a “safety buffer” between the entry and exit area.

14- Teach students and teachers the correct way to wash their hands and turn off the faucet in order to keep their hands clean.

15- Adhere to the system of “educational mini-doses” and focus on one piece of information per day and notice the need to stick to it.

16- If the students are placed in the “queue”, take into account the physical distance of not less than two meters.

17- The presence of the teacher of the first class in the classroom before the students to organize the process of entering the students safely.

18- Each student sits on a separate disk, and during class, the teacher must maintain physical distance between students.

19- Divide the students present in two spaces with two different dates to reduce overcrowding.

20- In the case of class upgrade from recess, a queue is created like the morning queue, taking into account physical distance.

21- Limit the absence between students and teachers, and in case there is a significant increase, the health administration is informed to carry out the necessary investigation.

22- Sports activities are carried out with non-contact or low-contact sports, and students do not carry out contact sports activities until further notice.

23- The physical distance of a distance not less than two meters, and if this is not possible, it should not be less than one meter with a muzzle.

24- Prevent the use of the muzzle in children under two years of age and in the event of difficulty or shortness of breath, and if the person cannot remove the muzzle by himself.

25- Implementation of administrative meetings for teachers and school teams in the open air.

26- Ensure that there are no waiting in the corridors inside the bathrooms and provide soap to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

27- Determination of a route for parents that differs from the routes of the students, provided that they enter the school campus in case of need.

28- The presence of a temporary isolation room assigned when it is similar in one of the cases between students, teachers or support teams.

29- Placing awareness posters at the entrance of the school and at the beginning and end of the corridors and places of school activities, and distribution of awareness brochures on the monitoring of precautionary measures.

30- Avoid the presence of street vendors in front of schools with the child eating his food that he brought from home and using a special water bottle.

31- Use single-use glasses and plates.

32- If someone feels respiratory symptoms or a slightly high fever, it is preferable to stay home until the symptoms disappear, and if the symptoms begin to worsen, go to the nearest hospital.

33- If the student has been in contact with the case of “Corona”, he stays at home for two weeks and the school tutor is notified.
