Crown Reclaimers Have “Terrifying Mental Symptoms”


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According to the American newspaper “New York Times”, whoever becomes infected with the new Corona virus and then recovers from it may be accompanied by some symptoms for a long time, such as the sense of taste and smell, or even just shortness of breath, but that the Corona virus can leave mental and psychological disturbances to those recovered.

The newspaper mentioned that several infected people in the world reported mental disorders after being infected, but these cases are very rare.

Where “Hisam Guelli”, psychiatrist, received in a clinic located on the island of Long Island, south of New York, recovering from Corona, complaining of an unusual condition.

She is the mother of four children, aged forty-two, who works in physical therapy, and says that she has not suffered from any mental disorder before and that there is no one in her family who has a history of mental illness.

Although her medical history was solid, she suffered from a mental disorder, so her children, aged between two and ten, were being gruesomely murdered in front of her.

Curiously, the mother was not afraid to also think about killing them, saying: “I love your children, I don’t know why I want to cut off their heads.”

This woman refused to speak directly to the press and the psychiatrist took care of her.

Recovered from Corona, they have amazing symptoms.

Since the recovering woman did not suffer from any health disorders before, all that is on her record is the Coronavirus infection, last spring.

The American mother did not suffer, then, only mild symptoms, but after months she heard a voice that asked her to commit suicide and, later, asked her to kill her children.

At first, Dr. Goeley did not seem to be sure if it was the Corona virus that caused these symptoms in the woman, so he said: “The Corona virus may be the cause and it may not be the cause.”

But soon there was a second and a third case, and indeed a fourth, and from here, doctors noticed a strong connection between the Coronavirus infection and mental disorders.

Doctors from other countries around the world have reported recovered people suffering from mental disorders, weeks after being infected with the emerging coronavirus.

A British study on the neurological and psychological complications of the disease “Covid-19” revealed that 10 of the 153 patients with “Corona” who were hospitalized, had a psychological disorder known as “psychosis”, which is a disorder in the form of thinking and perception of the senses.

Experts say that these symptoms are likely to affect a very small number and that they have been monitored, but they also reveal how the disease “Covid 19” affects brain function, mental and psychological health.

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  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality

