Crown and surfaces … contradictory studies baffle everyone, and experts speak of the “only solution”


Although it has been more than 10 months since the first appearance of the Corona virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the ambiguity around the virus persists, especially as to how long it remained active on hard surfaces and the possibility of contagion when touching them. surfaces.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic last December, studies have been in conflict over how long the virus remains active on surfaces, as results have ranged from three to 14 days, but Australia’s National Science Agency stunned the world. on Monday and confirmed that the Corona virus can stay on things like banknotes and phones. Up to 28 days in cold, dry climates.

Scientists at the Australian Research Authority’s Center for Disease Preparedness tested the ability of the “SARS-Cove 2” virus to persist in the dark and under three different temperatures, the agency reported Monday.

The scientists found that at 20 ° C, SARS-Cove 2 was “extremely strong” on smooth surfaces, such as mobile phones, to live for 28 days on glass, steel and plastic banknotes.

At 30 degrees Celsius, its ability to survive decreased to seven days and 40 degrees Celsius to just 24 hours, and the virus spent less time on porous surfaces, such as cotton (up to 14 days at lower temperatures and less than 16 hours at temperatures higher), according to the researchers. .

But Dr. Yahya Makki, head of the department of respiratory and cancer viruses at the French Medical Institute in Lyon, questioned the validity of this study and believes that it is difficult for the virus to remain active for so long outside the body on surfaces.

He stressed that the types of coronaviruses that are called “enveloping viruses” cannot remain active for more than 3-4 days outside the body and that they need cells to live, multiply and develop.

Great conflict

Dr. Jazlah Fadda, a public health specialist, agreed with him in questioning the validity of this study, and confirmed that the Corona virus is an inanimate organism and therefore it is difficult to remain active throughout this period outside the body, and without a cell that multiplies within it.

He indicated that there is a great conflict in the studies that determine how long the virus will remain active outside the body, and that many of them need more study and scientific evidence, especially the recent study.

The result of that period was “much longer” than previous studies showing that the virus can survive up to 14 days on non-porous surfaces, according to the study published in the “Virology Journal.”

According to the World Health Organization, the virus remains active on plastic and stainless steel for 72 hours, on copper for less than 4 hours, and on cardboard for less than 24 hours.

While a Japanese study revealed a few days ago, that the Corona virus can remain active on human skin for 9 hours, which is more than four times the period of time that the virus that causes influenza lives.

The only solution

With the large discrepancy in the study results, Makki believes that the “only solution” to prevent the virus in the absence of a vaccine or treatment for Corona is to wear masks and apply social distancing measures, in addition to washing hands with water and soap every half hour.

He stressed that if these standards are applied, a person can protect themselves from Coronavirus infection by up to 99%.

As for Fedda, he highlighted the need to wash hands and sterilize homes, or surfaces that we will use outside the home to prevent the virus, indicating that this is the best way to prevent infection.

But at the same time, he warned against exaggerated sterilization processes inside the home, emphasizing that the virus can be easily eliminated at home, but the excessive use of sterilizers can lead to a weakening of human immunity in the future.

As for when life will return before the Corona virus, Dr. Makki said: “We may need two years for life to return to normal,” adding that the virus will continue to exist, but its danger will stop due to the application of a vaccine, and emphasized that we are close to finding a vaccine.

He explained that after finding a vaccine, we will need time to confirm its effectiveness and distribute it to the entire population of the year.
