Corona virus: President of Tanzania agrees to import an herbal drink that allegedly treats the epidemic


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This drink is promoted in Madagascar as it treats the coronavirus.

The Tanzanian president has said he will send a plane to Madagascar to import a herbal drink that is supposed to treat the coronavirus.

The President of the Republic of the Congo also promised to import the same drink.

This product is made from wormwood, from which the active ingredient of antimalarial drugs is extracted.

But the World Health Organization confirmed that there is no evidence that this drink treats the Corona virus, warning against receiving treatment without medical supervision.

The product was launched on the market as “Covid-Organics” and promotes its use in the treatment of the epidemic virus after trying it in some cases, without exceeding twenty cases for three weeks, according to statements made by Lofa Haciinerina Ranoromaru, main assistant to the President from Madagascar to the BBC.

The World Health Organization sent a statement and sent a copy of it to the BBC at Covid Organics, during which it confirmed that it does not recommend “treatment without medical supervision, whatever the medicine used in the prevention or treatment of Covid. 19 “.

The International Organization emphasized, in previous statements by its director, Tedros Adhanum Gebresus, that “there are no shortcuts to finding an effective remedy to combat the Corona virus.”

This occurs amid experiments being carried out around the world to find an effective treatment for the epidemic, according to the World Health Organization.

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The National Center for Complementary and Comprehensive Health warned of alleged medications for the Corona virus, including herbal treatments and tea, and emphasized that the best way to prevent the virus is to avoid exposure to the virus.

John Magofulli, the president of Tanzania, said in a televised interview that he was already in contact with the Madagascar government and that he would send a plane to the island to bring the herbal drink allegedly treated by the Coronavirus.

“I had contacts with Madagascar and they sent me a letter stating that they had discovered a medicine. We will send a plane to bring this medicine so that Tanzanians can benefit from it. This also adds to the government’s day and night work in this direction,” he said. Magofolie.

The President of Tanzania is widely criticized for his response to the coronavirus.

Magofoley also encouraged citizens to continue to congregate at places of worship amid closing procedures followed by governments around the world.

The World Health Organization warned that Tanzania’s delay in enforcing restrictions to limit the spread of the Corona virus could lead to a sharp increase in the number of positive cases.

The number of cases of Corona virus in this African country reached 480, while the number of cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo reached 229, in addition to the record of 135 cases in Madagascar.
