Corona virus: Obama strongly criticizes the Trump administration for the epidemic crisis, calling it “catastrophic and chaotic”


Barack ObamaImage source
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Former United States President Barack Obama described Donald Trump’s approach to dealing with the Corona virus crisis as “catastrophic and messy.”

The scathing criticism came Friday night during a half-hour private call between him and former members of his administration, and the website “Yahoo News” obtained a record of it.

Obama has said he wants to play a bigger role in supporting Joe Biden in the November presidential election.

His new comments came in a call aimed at encouraging former employees to work on Biden’s campaign, according to CNN.

Obama said Trump’s approach was one of the main reasons the United States has responded to the outbreak of the Corona virus.

Obama told his former employees: “What we are fighting against is against these long-term trends that you are selfish, and that you are tribal, divided, and see others as enemies, and I fear that this approach will be continued continuously in American life. “

This is part of the reason for the weak response to this global crisis, Obama said.

“It would have been bad even with the best government,” he said on the call. It was an absolute catastrophe and anarchy when a mentality prevailed: “What will I gain?” And “Conflict with everyone.” This is the mindset that governs government decisions now.

Obama also strongly criticized the decision to drop criminal charges against Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, after investigating contacts with Russia.

In leaked comments, Obama also said that the decision to drop the charges against Flynn, who admitted to lying to the FBI in a case of alleged Russian interference in the previous presidential election, “jeopardizes the rule of law.”

Crown crisis in the United States

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Corona virus: what Trump voters think about dealing with the crisis

The United States leads the world in the number of infections with the Corona virus, in approximately 1.3 million cases, and the number of deaths exceeded 77 thousand.

Trump is accused by his critics of lessening the threat of the pandemic and then issuing conflicting and confusing directives, which ranged from calling for caution and rushing to resume economic activity.

Ahead of his reelection, the president was also criticized for putting his political interests above human lives by pressuring nations to reopen their economies without a clear plan on how to do so safely.

Several states implemented closings last March, but have now lifted restrictions to allow people to return to work.
