Corona virus: more than 200,000 deaths and infections about three million


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Data published by Johns Hopkins University, USA. In the US, they showed that the number of deaths from coronavirus worldwide reached more than two hundred thousand people.

The number of deaths in the United States alone has exceeded 50,000, and it is the country that currently tops the list of deaths.

The numbers indicated that there are more than 2.8 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 disease worldwide.

China reported the first death related to the disease caused by the virus on January 11.

Five countries have reported more than 20,000 deaths in each.

The United States, Italy and Spain experienced the highest number of deaths compared to other countries.

While the United Kingdom announced the death of more than 20,000 people due to the virus. The numbers are likely to rise due to the fact that daily deaths in homes and care do not count.

France has recorded 22,614 deaths from the virus since early March. But health officials say the number of deaths is also declining as the number of people in intensive care increases for the 17th consecutive day.

Countries cannot be compared

Statisticians have warned that the reported number of deaths cannot always give a complete picture of the state of the epidemic in the country.

For example, the United States experienced the highest number of deaths from the virus, compared to other countries. But its population, 330 million people, far exceeds that of most countries. The total number of people living in the five largest countries in Western Europe: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

Mortality rates also depend on the way cases are monitored, as some countries include deaths in nursing homes in their data and provide a clearer picture. While other countries only count deaths in hospitals.

In Belgium, there were 6,917 deaths of 11.4 million people, more than half of the deaths in the country were in nursing homes and were largely based on suspected cases, making the country’s data look much worse .
