Corona mutated … Why bother with the new strain?


The government advisory body on the coronavirus says it is highly confident that the new strain is more contagious, but there is no conclusive evidence that it is more deadly.
Aggravating concerns about "Mutated crown" Children who were immune to the current epidemic are more likely to be infected with the new strain, and this could have an impact on going back to school in several countries in the second half of the school year.

Despite the efforts of authorities and experts to send messages of reassurance about the effectiveness of current vaccines against the new strain, there is concern about their resistance to it, given the lack of conclusive data.

Scientists in Britain discovered the new strain on December 8, while reviewing cases with it. "Genome sequencing".

And during Britain’s shutdown last November, the number of injuries declined in most of the country, with the exception of one region. "I was"As the cases continued to increase.

And there were two explanations for the spike in infections there: people didn’t adhere to social distancing rules, or there was a new strain of the epidemic that was more widespread.

Famous German virologist Christian Drosten says the matter is unclear.

ويتع: "The question is: Has this virus been washed away with a new wave coming in that region, or is this virus responsible for this wave in the first place?", Adding "This is an important difference".

و .وضح "You know that viruses are constantly changing them, and this happened with Corona, but until this December there was no big boom.".


The British newspaper “The Guardian” reported, on Monday night, that the new strain of the epidemic arrived through a person in the area of ​​”Kent”, southeast of England, and therefore is the first to transmit the Corona’s “remake” to others last September.

Scientists believe that the new strain is more likely to spread than the known strain by up to 70 percent, and this is one of the reasons for concern, but there is currently no evidence that it makes the situation worse for patients.

The government advisory body on the coronavirus says it is highly confident that the new strain is more contagious, but there is no conclusive evidence that it is more deadly.
What raises concerns about the “mutated crown” is that children who have been immune to the current epidemic are more likely to become infected with the new strain, and this could have an impact on going back to school in several countries in the world. second semester of the school year.

Despite the efforts of the authorities and experts to send messages of reassurance about the effectiveness of current vaccines against the new strain, there is concern about their resistance to it, given the lack of conclusive data.

Scientists in Britain discovered the new strain on December 8, while reviewing cases that had “genomic sequences.”

During Britain’s shutdown last November, the number of injuries declined in most of the country, with the exception of the “Kent” region, where cases continued to rise.

And there were two explanations for the spike in infections there: people didn’t adhere to social distancing rules, or there was a new strain of the epidemic that was more widespread.

Famous German virologist Christian Drosten says the matter is unclear.

He continued: “The question is: Has this virus been washed away with a new wave coming in that region, or is this virus responsible for this wave in the first place?”, Adding: “This is an important difference.”

He explained: “He knows that viruses constantly change them, and that happened with Corona, but until this December there was not a big boom.”
