Corona is brutal … in less than 24 hours, the death of the president of Zamalek, the injury of an artist and a parliamentarian … and the second Albrashi in the media


The last few days have witnessed an escalation of infections by the Coronavirus during its second wave, which the Ministry of Health announced yesterday that it had officially hit the country.

This comes amid repeated warnings issued by the government about the need to adhere to precautionary measures, especially social distancing and the use of masks.

In less than 24 hours, the media buzzed with the names of celebrities who were infected and even died as a result of contracting the virus, and the brutality of “Covid 19” was made clear through official figures issued by the Ministry de Salud, which announced that the number of infected people is likely to reach 1,000 per day.

Through the following report, we monitor the number of victims of Corona brutality among celebrities in less than 24 hours.

The death of the president of Zamalek:

This morning, Thursday, I announced the death of counselor Ahmed Al-Bakri, president of the Zamalek Club, after a fight that lasted a few days with the virus.

The consultant al-Bakri was in the Agouza hospital, and was admitted to the center more than once because of his deteriorating health.

The death of the Zamalek club president comes as a shock to the sports community as he has not assumed office and was appointed to manage the judicial committee that oversees the club for a few weeks.

Karim Fahmy:

The artistic community has also suffered during the recent period the ravages of Corona, with the most prominent victims of the virus being the late artist Rajaa Al-Jeddawi, in addition to many injuries among the stars.

The artist Karim Fahmy joined the list today after announcing his contagion with the virus, and wrote through his Instagram account, “Praise God, positive for Corona”, which is what called many artists to support him.

Deputy Diaa Dawood:

Many MPs were also infected with the coronavirus, and many abandoned them after the infection.

Recently, MP Diauddin Daoud, MP, announced that he had been infected with the new Corona virus “Covid 19”, saying: “Praise God and thank God.

… God predetermined him and did what he wanted. “

Wael Al-Ibrashi is second in the media in a matter of hours:

It was recently announced that Wael Al-Ibrashi was infected with the new Corona virus, and the journalist said: “I do not deal with my psychological breakdown and treat him positively … Corona keeps us away from our work and our cause … and he’s at home and following the treatment protocol. “

Al-Ibrashi’s injury becomes the second among the center’s celebrities in a few hours, as the press preceded him, Dina Abdel Karim, this morning and announced his injury.

And Dina Abdel Karim wrote, in her personal account on the social network site “Facebook”, “I diagnosed positive for Corona since last Saturday, and I had been in contact with her a week before, but she had no symptoms … the best of which is the sweet childhood that I transgressed because he told me when I found out by chance. During a travel analysis “.
