Contradictory numbers and widespread controversy. Has Ronaldo missed Pelé’s goals?


Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo, the Italian Juventus player, managed to score two goals against Udinese in the match that ended with Juventus winning 4 goals against one goal on matchday 15 of the Italian League.

With his two goals against Udinese, Ronaldo reached goal 758 in his football career in terms of scoring goals for clubs and national teams.

Ronaldo scored a total of 758 goals during the 599 games he played for the clubs he played for and for his country, Portugal, for 656 goals in 431 games for the clubs he played for in a shirt, and 102 goals in 168 games for Portugal.

Don Ronaldo scored 450 goals in 438 games for Real Madrid, while he scored 118 goals in 292 games for Manchester United, scored 83 goals in 104 games for Juventus and scored 5 goals in 31 games for Sporting Lisbon.

Several international press reports indicated that Ronaldo surpassed the number of the Brazilian legend Pelé on the list of top scorers in the history of professional football in terms of scoring goals with clubs and national teams, as these reports claimed that Pelé has 757 official goals in his football career.

Other reports assured that the Portuguese player has become the second in the list of scorers in the history of professional football, and that he only has one goal left to equal Joseph Pecan, the Austrian-Czech player with 759 goals, to become more than one goal in the history of football in official matches.

But in fact, there are many controversies and contradictory numbers about the official goals that the Brazilian legend Pelé possesses throughout his career, and that official documented sources confirm that Ronaldo has not yet surpassed Pelé, and is far from becoming the leader. on the list of more than one scorer record in football history.

Returning to the FIFA website, he did not mention the number of official goals scored by the Brazilian legend, but did mention that Pelé has a total of 1,281 goals scored during the 1,363 matches he played throughout his career, between official and friendly matches. .

However, this number is also subject to controversy, as Pelé previously received an award from the Guinness Book of Records that honored him for holding the record for the most goals scored in a football career by a professional player.

As published on the official website of the “Guinness” world encyclopedia, Brazilian soccer legend Pelé holds the record for the most goals scored in a soccer career for a professional player, scoring 1279 goals from September 7, 1956 to 1 October 1977, and achieved that figure. During 1363 games he played locally and internationally.

With the continued monitoring of “Ylakora” to the official figures that prove the Brazilian legend, the official website of the Foundation for Statistical Documentation of Soccer Sport confirmed in the list of players who scored the most goals in a soccer career for a professional player , that Pelé has 767 goals and not 757 goals, as some claimed. He reports, therefore, that Cristiano Ronaldo has 9 goals to go to match the Brazilian legend.

And the Football Statistics Foundation listed on its official website that Pelé scored a total of 767 official goals in the 831 games he played for clubs and the national team throughout his football career.

Likewise, the Documentary Institute of Soccer Statistics has included in the list of scorers throughout the history of soccer, that Pelé occupies third place in the list of official goals behind Romario, who scored 772 goals, and Joseph Pecan, who scored 805 goals, and this means that Portuguese star Ronaldo remains in fourth place on the all-time goalscorer list with 758 goals, after Ferenc Puskas’s number of goals surpassed the Hungarian player with 746 goals. .

This is not the first time that Brazilian legend Pelé’s contradictory numbers have created widespread controversy, as Barcelona player Lionel Messi previously broke Pelé’s number as the highest-scoring player with a scoreboard from a team with 644 goals after surpassing Pelé’s number with his Brazilian team Santos (643 goals).

Subsequently, the Brazilian team left and issued an official statement on its website, denying that the Argentine flea has beaten Pelé’s record, as the Brazilian club claims that Pelé scored 1,091 goals for the team throughout his historic career. , including 643 goals in official matches, and that they are trying to cancel 448 goals in matches. The friendly played by the Brazilian legend.
