“Confrontation” The moment of the selection series, “Amir Karara”, repeat of today’s third episode, channel ON E, between good and bad


Star Amir Karara participates in the Ramadan race this year with the selection series, which revolves around the life story of one of the Egyptian lightning heroes Ahmed Mansi who was martyred during his confrontation with terrorism in Sinai. . We will learn through this article about the dates of the series and the transport channels, since it is broadcast exclusively by ON Drama and ONE channel. On their screen during the blessed month of Ramadan, they hoped in action to achieve unparalleled success.

Amir Karara participates in Ahmed Al-Awadi, Dina Fouad and Dhiaa Abdel-Khaleq’s “The Choice” series championship, plus a host of guests of honor, led by Mohamed Adel Imam, Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and Aser Yassin. The series is written and written by Baher Dowidar and directed by Peter Mimi. And produced by Synergy Art Production Company, which has most of the artwork present in this year’s drama.

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The date of the selection series.

The selection series for Amir Karara on the life of the hero Ahmed Mansi, his first show will be at nine o’clock in the Arab Republic of Egypt on the ON channel, while the repetition will be at two o’clock in the morning through from the same channel.

The star, Amir Karara, published yesterday on her Instagram page an image gathered by director Peter Mimi and star Ahmed Al-Awadi, and said: “We are waiting for tomorrow, the epic of choice, and thanked Karara for all the who participated in this work, as Peter Mimi was described as the most powerful director in Egypt, and thanked all the actors for their work. ” The drama is complete and in the end he thanked his wife and children.

The date of the selection series in MBC Drama

The MBC Drama channel broadcasts the artwork “Choice” on its screen, in the first cooperation between the channel and the star series Amir Karara, and the channel will perform the first show of the series at exactly six in the afternoon, which is the first art show before Channel E airs on Nilesat.

Peter Mimi, the director of the selection series, has confirmed his confidence in the success of the work, noting that the epic of choice, as his series described, will be one of the most important dramas in the history of Egyptian drama, and Amir Karara It appears in a new way after dispensing with its shanab, which was highly distinguished in recent years. After the Kalbash series.

Hundreds of thousands of followers of star Amir Karara’s and Ahmed Al-Awadi’s “The Choice” series are watching the second episode, which begins on the Channel today at 9 p.m. and returns at 2 a.m. after midnight, which is supposed to witness important dramatic developments in the context of the work that achieved great public success. In its early days on television, Watch.it.

The series of choice, the third episode.

In the first episode of the selection series, Major Ahmed Mansi was martyred “Amir Karara at the beginning of the first episode, and terrorist Hisham Ashmawi” Ahmed Al-Awadi was arrested early in the episode, and the story of the series will be told in the upcoming episodes retroactively, and how friends previously chose each of them in their own way, to be one of them a hero. The other is a terrorist.

As for the second episode that was yesterday, which started with the flashback method, he witnessed Hisham Ashmawi’s intellectual transformations and the beginning of his extremism, and director Peter Mimi was willing to clarify the difference between the moderate faith represented by the Prince Karara “Ahmed Al-Mansi”, and between extremism and exaggeration in religiosity reaching the level of banning Eid cakes and aspects of festival celebration, represented by “Hisham Ashmawi” Ahmed Al-Awadi.

The selection series for Amir Karara is an acronym for a confrontation between an Egyptian army hero and a former colleague who joined terrorist groups after being convinced of extremist ideas, and yesterday’s episode of the selection series had succeeded an unprecedented success after yesterday’s episode that witnessed the end of the story, before it began with today’s episode, working from Starring Amir Karara and Ahmed Al-Awadi.

The role of Ahmed Al-Awadi gained the approval of many of the series’ supporters, as Trend appeared on his behalf immediately after the end of the second episode of the series, expressing his hatred for the character and his admiration for the perfection of the The role before him, and many believe that this role will be central to Al-Awadi’s artistic career for years to come if he is properly exploited. It is his name as an actor that will be developed in the next period.

Starting with the second episode, the series will kick off with the flashback method, a method often used in dramas, after the first episode of the end of the story appeared between the martyrdom of Ahmed Al-Mansi and the arrest of Hisham Ashmawi, to start the story of the second episode when the two were colleagues in the Egyptian army and how they were doing. Things happen then.
