“Composed of 15 employees” … the head of the Bar Association, speaking of a “focus of corruption” in the Superior Court of Justice


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Ragai Attia, director of the Bar Association, said that there was a corruption center in the High Court of Justice, made up of fifteen employees, most of them from the New Cairo Trade Union, and the rest from the North and South Cairo Trade Unions. , who were receiving applications for registration in the calendar of the Court of Cassation.

He explained: “I received several news that they are receiving five thousand pounds to complete the application without presenting the required documents. I contacted the adviser, head of the Court of Cassation, and told him what was happening.”

He added: “I decided to present requests to Nabil Salah and his assistants in the river club, and that each student register a portfolio of documents with what they delivered, then deliver what they presented to the president’s office, then go directly to the Court’s secretary of Cassation, and we did that in the first batch, and the number of plaintiffs prevailed because order and integrity prevailed.

The head of the Bar Association revealed: “I was informed that there are gangs on the lookout for any document that must be signed by the president or one of the council members to forge signatures and use them, and close this section. I issued a decision to apply what is called in the knowledge of the direction of the documentary cycle, that is, the documents are not delivered to the interested party and the documentary role Documents and documents is not delivered, except through the official channels of the Union, asking his fellow lawyers to understand that these measures are a protection for them, a protection for their rights and a door to corruption.

We have great tasks ahead of us, and the 1% determined in the contracts is threatened with disappearing, and there is a member of the Chamber of Deputies who presented a proposal to reform article 59 of the Law on Lawyers, a reform that was carried out The two axes, the first raising the quorum required for him to sign a lawyer that allows the registration of the contract in the real estate month from 20 thousand to 500 thousand The second is that the union is not allowed to collect any amount such as fees or expenses, or under any name in exchange for certifying the lawyer’s signature on the contract.

The president of the Lawyers’ Union stated that he raises the issue to public opinion and to colleagues, parliamentarians and the media, as this text closes a very important door to the lawyer’s resources and even to the lawyer’s pension, and violates a norm The constitutional work is guaranteed to natural and legal persons by paying a fee. Deprive the bar association of its constitutional right to operate and be paid for this work.

Attia added: “This text does not take into account the humanitarian and social mission assumed by the Bar Association. As a result of certain circumstances, the number of law school graduates has increased, should we leave them unemployed? Peace in the community, which carries responsibilities for the union.

The Bar Association stressed that the Syndicate is a very important entity in Egyptian society, and is a partner of the judiciary to achieve justice, and is the platform for freedom in the homeland, and supports all the oppressed, and the destruction of the legal profession in order to destroy justice, highlighting: “This text leads to an imbalance, a catastrophe and a great crisis. Put it in your mind, and move for the sake of this topic, but do not change my movement to tickle the feelings and I want God to know what I do in part with him ».

The head of the Bar Association concluded his speech by saying: “I have come to you, not to trust in an error, but to carry a candle with which to light the way and take you and me back to the law firm that has been abandoned in recent years. Best wishes to you for success and repayment. “

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