03:56 p. M.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Books – Ahmad Jumaa:
The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood condemned the abuse of a child by his father, who is a popular singer, by posting “offensive videos” on social media platforms, referring to the incident of posting videos under the title: “Muhammad, Basant and Yassin”.
The Council announced in a statement on Friday that it has taken all the necessary measures, since it submitted a report to the Office of Child Protection of the Attorney General’s Office to take the necessary measures in relation to this incident.
Dr. Sahar Al-Sunbati, Secretary General of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, explained that a channel on the social network “YouTube” was monitored that includes the publication of videos of abuse and transmission of violence between children, in addition to the publication of the singer’s Facebook page, with reference to the broadcast of a singing festival titled Khadesh for modesty. The year, the child protagonist himself, will be the subject of the videos, which has caused great discontent with these unacceptable acts.
Al-Sunbati stated that the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood will take all necessary measures regarding these events, and that the abuse of flower-age children in this abusive manner is unacceptable and includes exposing children to dangers, threatening their education and morality, and an assault on the principles and values of the Egyptian family.
He added that the exploitation of children for profit and fame is contrary to the provisions of the Children’s Law, and in a way that exposes the child to danger, and contravenes the provision of Article 291 of the Egyptian Penal Code, as it includes the prohibition of the violation of the child’s right to protection against trafficking or sexual, commercial or economic exploitation, in addition to Law No. 64 of 2010 on the fight against human trafficking.