China Trump Advisor: you will be charged and paid


Source: Dubai –

American criticism of China has yet to be extinguished, despite the World Health Organization’s claim on Friday that the Corona virus emerged naturally and not in a factory or laboratory, but United States President Donald Trump , adheres to the theory that the world could have stopped the outbreak at its source, if China She moved more transparently.

On Friday night, Trump reiterated this position and reiterated that his administration was studying many measures against China in light of the pandemic that started in the Chinese city of Wuhan and invaded the world.

“We are seeing a lot of things,” Trump said during a press conference on Friday night, when asked if he was considering imposing new customs tariffs on Chinese products.

Will be responsible

In turn, White House economic adviser Larry Codlow warned that China would be responsible for the epidemic.

He said in an interview with CNBC: “They will be responsible for that. There is no doubt about that. When, where and why, I will leave this matter to the president.”

He also clarified that “future tariff decisions and other measures depend on the president.”

From Wuhan, China (Archives - France Press)From Wuhan, China (Archives – France Press)

Kudlow, in turn, denied reports that Washington could refuse to pay the debt to China.

The President of the USA USA He had previously confirmed that he had seen evidence linking a laboratory in Wuhan, China, to the spread of the Corona virus, but did not specify what the evidence was.

He said at a press conference on Thursday about the Covid 19 events that China could not contain the virus or deliberately let it spread. In response to a White House reporter, he asked if he had seen evidence that seriously led him to believe that the Wuhan Virus Institute is the source of the Corona pandemic. “Yes”. Trump said: “It was something that could have been contained at the place of origin. And I think it could have been contained very easily.”

Laboratory in Wuhan, China (Archives - France Press)Laboratory in Wuhan, China (Archives – France Press)

He also hinted that he was considering imposing punitive duties on China. In response to another question about the possibility of the United States not paying its debts to China in a retaliatory measure, he said: “I can do this differently, by imposing customs taxes,” as I had previously done during the trade dispute between his country. and Beijing.

Renewed voltage

This renewed tension between Beijing and Washington a few days ago after Trump’s statements renewed the accusation that Beijing was not informing the world more quickly about Corona, indicating the possibility of taking steps to hold him accountable, as he saw him trying of interfering in the American elections.

On the other hand, China, which has long been disturbed by these American accusations, rejected the matter entirely. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said it had no interest in interfering in the United States presidential election.

Donald trumpDonald trump

The President of the United States revealed, in an interview with Reuters from the Oval Office, that he was discussing various options regarding the possible consequences for China on the virus, adding: “I can do a lot!”

Furthermore, he said he believed China’s handling of the Corona outbreak was evidence that Beijing “will do everything possible” to lose the next presidential race.

Several reports suggested that a virus that claimed thousands of lives worldwide could infiltrate from a laboratory in Wuhan, but China flatly denied it.

Although the World Health Organization has made it clear that the epidemic cannot be “synthesized” or “created in vitro” in any way.

Most scientists are reported to believe that the new virus was transmitted from animal to human, specifically in a popular market in Wuhan that sells live wild animals, but the presence of the laboratory a few kilometers from the market contributed to increased speculation about the possibility of virus leaking from this sensitive installation.
