“Charlie Hebdo” decides to republish the cartoons that insult the prophet Muhammad



The French newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” decided to republish the offensive image of the Prophet Muhammad, which it had previously published in 2015, in its new issue, which will be published on Wednesday.

The reissue of these cartoons coincides with the start of the trial of 14 defendants in the case of the armed attack on the newspaper’s headquarters, which left 12 dead among its staff and unleashed a wave of convictions and protests.

The director of the satirical newspaper wrote in the new number: “We will never bow, and we will never back down,” explaining that these drawings will return to the front page of the newspaper on the occasion of the trial, which he described as “necessary.” He added that his foundation had previously rejected requests to publish new cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad due to the absence of a reasonable justification.

In an interview with the French radio “Europe 1” in the capital, Paris, Parc Philippe Fall, director of the satirical newspaper, when the attack took place, the new director took the initiative to republish the drawings, calling him an excellent journalist .

And these controversial cartoons, when they were published for the first time 5 years ago, caused great discontent in Muslim circles in France and around the world, and it is not ruled out that the decision to republish them will arouse the same sentiments again.

The trial will affect those accused of being involved in carrying out the attack with the two brothers, Kwashi, Saeed and Sharif, on January 7, 2015, who were credited with screaming shortly after the attack was completed: “We have avenged the prophet Muhammad.”

Source: Agencies / Media.
