Changes from “KG1” to secondary. Details of the Minister of Education’s conference on the new academic year


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Dr Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education, held a press conference on Tuesday at the Ministry’s general office to announce the details of the new 2020/2021 academic year, in the presence of Minister Osama Heikal, Minister of Information Status.

“Shawky” reviewed what was achieved during the 2019/2020 academic year, in light of the conditions that the country was going through as a result of the Corona pandemic, since the ministry managed to evaluate students by teachers (in degrees from KG1 to second grade of primary school). Approximately 19 million research projects (for grades 3 through high school), and an examination and assessment of 1.2 million students were conducted electronically from home (for grades 1 and 2), in addition to successful completion of an examination and evaluation of 652 thousand students with a high school diploma with Take precautionary measures to ensure exams.

In his speech at the conference, the Minister of Education, Dr. Tariq Shawky, announced the characteristics of the new academic year, which were as follows:

– The new academic year 2020/2021 in schools begins on October 17, 2020 and studies in international schools begin on September 15, 2020.

– Work to reduce the density through the redistribution of quotas and the multiplication of learning sources without affecting the academic contents that are supposed to be acquired at the end of the school year.

The Minister of Education explained the ministry’s plan to serve students, and it was as follows:

– Grades KG1 to third grade school. Attendance for “one-shift schools” will be 4 days a week, and for “two-shift schools” attendance will be 3 days a week, and the final schedule of student attendance will be determined at the level. school.

– Grades from fourth to sixth of primary school. Attendance for “single-shift schools” will be two days a week, and for “two-shift schools” attendance will be 3 days a week, and the final schedule of student attendance will be determined at the school level. .

– Grades 1 to 3 of high school. Attendance will be two days a week, and the final schedule for student attendance will be determined at the school level.

– Grades 1-3 High School … attendance two days a week, and final student attendance schedule will be determined at the school level.

The Minister of Education and Technical Education reviewed the ministry’s plan to provide learning resources in the new academic year, and it was as follows:

– Grades KG1 to 3rd grade. The new interdisciplinary system 2.0 curriculum will be taught at the school.

– Grades from fourth of primary to third preparatory. An explanation of all prescribed study plans will be offered through various educational aids for students, such as: “Live streaming platform of virtual classes, online platform, Edmodo platform will be provided. org, and several. The methods to obtain the Preparatory Certificate are: “Electronic books, Program Ask the Teacher and Electronic Library of Lessons”.

– Grades from first to third of secondary school. No books will be printed for students, and all books and educational materials will be available on the tablet (almost 1.8 million tablets have been provided), and a number of basic educational aids will be made available, namely the ‘ Learning Management System LMS.EKB ». EG, with the availability of many aids such as: “Educational TV channels, the platform for live transmission of virtual classes, the electronic library, the platform, the library of electronic lessons, the ask program the teacher and interactive e-books ”.

Dr. Tariq Shawqi, Minister of Education, during his speech at the conference, also announced:

– In accordance with the guidelines of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, the book (Values ​​and respect for the other “Together we build”) will be added, starting from the third grade of primary school.

– Addition of the book “Building a national character” for the secondary stage.

Dr Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education, announced the assessment form in the 2021 secondary school year, as follows:

– There will be an electronic exam and it will be corrected electronically using the new evaluation system.

– 4 different examination forms will be designed by establishing question banks to present different examination forms with the same degree of difficulty to control cheating.

– Students will have the opportunity to take an additional exam, provided the highest score is calculated (one exam in June and another opportunity for improvement in August).

– The fork is in force for this year 2021, and it will be “my science and my scientific sport”.

– In response to the wishes of students and parents. There will be an arabization of geology for the students of the language school.

Dr. Tariq Shawky revealed several projects that the Ministry of Education is implementing during the 2020/2021 academic year, as follows:

Complete the Learning Management Platform (LMS) for high school by completing the addition of new content related to the curriculum, including content for high school third grade

Create and provide courses to explain the curriculum for all subjects through the electronic lesson library for middle and high school students.

Provide interactive e-books to explain each part of the curriculum, and this will be an alternative to external books.

– The “Every Child is Connected” project, which aims to provide electronic devices to help children learn, through the presence of facilities for parents in collaboration with telecommunications companies.

– Expand the establishment of specialized educational television channels integrated into the educational system.

The Minister of Education also referred to the interest in physical and sports education for students within the school, and it came out as follows:

Each school determines whether or not to cancel the morning queue based on intensity.

Physical education is a pass and fail subject in the transfer years.

The activities will be 50% according to the number of days the students attend.

Dr. Tariq Shawky also spoke about the ministry’s plan to advance and reward teachers, and it was as follows:

Teacher training on the new education system 2.0.

Provide and establish a training and qualification platform for teachers that will be of the highest level and grant licenses to participate in learning platforms, and a certificate for the exercise of the profession, and teachers will also participate in the benefits of learning platforms .

The minister also spoke about the activation of strengthening groups within schools to combat private lessons, to which is added the diversity of sources of learning, and came out like this:

Organization of reinforcement groups for transportation classes under the supervision of the school.

Organize a strengthening group for third grade preparatory and third grade secondary under the supervision of the educational administration.

Equip the rooms for groups of general certificates and equip them with technology in accordance with the Ministry’s guidelines towards e-learning.

– The reinforcement groups are “optional” in the study subjects in public schools with the aim of improving the academic level of students to meet the requirements of the educational process, provided that an appropriate fee is established.

Taking all precautionary measures to preserve public health.

– A 10% is specified in each group for orphaned students and children of martyrs, who are exempt from the subscription fee.

The teacher’s percentage is 85% of the total score.

Dr. Tariq Shawqi, Minister of Education, concluded his intervention at the conference, emphasizing that the diversity of learning resources aims to adopt the quality of the materials and provide many alternatives for our students, noting that the ministry does not hesitate to take measures that achieve the interest of our students, wishing more success. And good luck to all of our students.

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