British Health: The symptoms of the new Corona strain are no different than those currently spreading


It is considered the mysterious strain of the Corona virus that began to spread in the United Kingdom, especially in the south of the country. Since Natural mutations in viruses like Corona, but some have questioned whether vaccine efforts could be thwarted by the new strain as scientists scramble to learn more about the mutation..

For his part, Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical officer in England, said the symptoms of the new strain, which have been found in more than 1,000 cases, do not differ from the strain that is already spread across the country, and scientists agree that the virus infects different people in different ways.

The British newspaper The Sun reported that the most important symptoms of the Corona virus, which include a new continuous cough, loss of the sense of smell and high fever, are summarized below:

The NHS lists

The three main symptoms of the coronavirus are as follows:

1. A new, persistent cough, where you cough a lot for more than an hour, or have three or more coughing episodes within 24 hours.

2. Fever, in which your temperature is above 37.8 ° C.

3. Loss of sense of smell or taste, this is also known as loss of sense of smell.

According to the World Health Organization “whoFatigue is also one of the most common symptoms of the coronavirus..

The World Health Organization lists the less common symptoms of coronavirus as follows: Aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis

Headache, skin rash, or discoloration of the fingers or toes

The organization said that symptoms can take between 5 and 6 days to appear after a person is infected with the virus, but in some cases it can take up to two weeks, some people who contract the coronavirus may not have symptoms, and this means showing none of the main symptoms..

While the symptoms listed above are the most common, other people have experienced a variety of other symptoms and they are different in children..

Professor Witte emphasized that while the symptoms of the new strain are believed to be similar to other symptoms, Public Health England is still analyzing the new strain to learn more about its spread and how it will affect vaccine production..

The newspaper said that the virus develops differently in people and there are other symptoms that appear in people, such as hair loss, which explains the condition known as telogen effluvium (TO), It is when a person temporarily suffers from hair loss.

Doctors said this usually happens if the patient has recently suffered from a stressful situation. Major hair loss occurs when the number of follicles on the scalp changes..

It usually affects the upper part of the scalp, and in most cases, the hairline will not recede if someone develops the condition.

The researchers also previously found that neurological symptoms were present in 36% of Corona’s patients in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the epidemic..

In particular, doctors say that people infected with severe coronavirus and who are hospitalized often develop a serious brain condition called “ICU delirium.”

Experts urged the public to remain calm and said mutations in viruses such as the Coronavirus were expected.

Dr Zania Stamataki, a viral immunologist at the University of Birmingham, said mutations will accumulate and lead to new viral variants that our immune systems drive to change or perish..

He added: “This virus does not mutate rapidly with influenza, and although we must keep it under observation, updating new vaccines will not be a big deal when needed in the future,” adding, adding that this year has seen great developments, to build the infrastructure so that we can keep up with the Corona virus.. “

He noted that most mutations will not be important or cause for concern, but some may give the virus an evolutionary advantage that can lead to further transmission or mean that it is more harmful.. “

Faster diffusion ..

Health Minister Matt Hancock told Members of Parliament that the new strain could drive “more rapid spread” in south-east England, London and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire have already moved to Level 3 to deal with “very pronounced and accelerated rises” in the cases..

Hancock said the number of cases related to the recent surge is increasing “rapidly” as he urged everyone to adhere to Corona’s restrictions, adding that government scientists are in a lab. Gate Down by PHE They analyze the strain “Now”, it has been called FUN – 2020 January 12 – It is under investigation in December..

In a statement, Hancock said: “In recent days, thanks to our world-class genomic capabilities in the UK, we have identified a new type of coronavirus.“.

“Preliminary analysis indicates that this strain is growing faster than current variants,” he told the House of Commons..

He said that we have currently identified over 1,000 cases with this new strain, mainly in southern England, although cases have been identified in nearly 60 different local authority areas..

Vaccine anxiety.

Hancock said: “The latest clinical advice is that this mutation is unlikely to be unresponsive to the vaccine, adding:” The vaccine that is offered by the British Health Service.NHS From Pfizer Pfizer AND BioNTech – It will not be tested to see if it protects against this new strain..

But all the doses of the Corona virus that have been developed focus on the same target, which is the spike protein on the surface of the virus, explaining that height is what the Corona virus uses to cling to human cells and invade them and multiplying them, it cannot be ruled out that in the case of a new mutation in the virus that would cause a change of this height. Suddenly, it can affect how well the vaccine works..

He pointed out that if the spike protein on the surface of the virus had a different appearance, the body might not recognize it as a corona, rapidly causing an immune response.

Professor Wendy Barclay, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London, said: “This strain contains some mutations in the spike protein that is the main target of vaccines, and it will be important to determine whether it affects the effectiveness of the vaccine. through trials in the coming weeks, “he added. I am very sure that we will not have to reformulate our vaccines, because what we are looking for is a large amount of protein, and there is no information that this protein changes drastically for months or years..

If the spike protein doesn’t really change, but shows slight changes, I hope that our immune system is not fooled by a new copy of it, so the old immunity must continue with a new immunity, adding that we can reconfigure vaccines very quickly to produce a spike protein related to the new strain.

The new strain of virus that causes the coronavirus may be up to 70% more likely to spread.
