Breaking scenes … “Shadi’s” mother cries: “Let me see him before the funeral.”


With confused and teary eyes, she stared at the door of the morgue, between the wait and the collapse. After a few moments, her little boy, who had been absent from our world for 5 months and had not yet been buried, was buried until the moment when God wanted to settle in his final resting place.

Painful scenes dominated the situation, after Shadi Ghariq’s mother, Palm Beach, wanted to look at her son before putting him in the shroud, which was rejected by the family and the family that prevented him from entering the morgue.

Another scene is no less difficult, after the presence of the ambulance to transport the body to the village of Al-Nujaila in the city of Kom Hamada in Al-Buhaira governorate for burial, where the mother clung to the ambulance for accompany your child on his last trip, refusing to leave the car or move away from the body.

Silence dominated the entire family presence after Shadi’s father brought the burial permit after completing all the procedures, waiting for the body to come out, which did not take a few minutes until the body got inside the car, no one felt him and no one saw him, to start his journey from Alexandria where he remained. His body for 5 months, to be deposited in his final resting place with his brother and his aunt’s son, in the cemetery of the village of Al-Nujaila in Al-Buhaira

The Amiriya prosecutor’s office in Alexandria had decided to authorize the burial of the body of Shady Abdullah, who drowned in seawater, and to hand over the remains to his family in the Kom al-Dikka morgue, who remained trapped in seawater for 14 days under investigation and they were extracted, and samples were taken from Shadi’s body and father on three occasions and the fingerprint did not match. Genetic.

After 5 months of settling the body inside the morgue, the forensic medicine decided on Shady’s body and confirmed that the body was 98% of those drowned on the palm beach, after taking a fourth sample of the body of Shady and her parents for analysis, which confirmed it.

The forensic medicine claimed that the DNA analysis during the previous samples did not say categorically whether or not the body belonged to the drowned man, due to the deterioration of the body’s tissues, which took 14 days under the waters of Palm Beach, which caused many changes in the shape and appearance of the condition and tissues.

Last July, the governorate of Alexandria witnessed the drowning of 12 people on Al-Nakhil beach, in the Al-Ajami neighborhood, west of Alexandria, despite the closure of the beaches as part of precautionary measures and prevention, and rescue forces recovered the bodies of the drowned, and the body of the last drowned person, Shadi Abdullah Zaghmar, was not found. Over the course of 14 days, the sea left an incomplete body on the fourteenth day, and tissue samples were taken from the corpse to match the DNA of the palm team’s parents.

And after 27 days after Shadi Abdullah drowned in Palm Beach west of Alexandria, the family of the deceased decided to perform the absent prayer on their young son’s soul, after he failed to recognize the body three times in a row, and perform absent prayer in his hometown in Al-Nujaila village in Kom Hamada district of Al-Buhaira governorate.
