Bill Gates warns of 2022: this is what awaits the world


When asked about lockdown measures, such as those taken by the state of California to prevent further Corona injuries, the American billionaire said: "Unfortunately, I think it’s appropriate".

Gates called "Do your best for the first four to six months of the next job", Considered that the matter "It will contribute to the end of the epidemic".

And Gates, who is one of the richest people in the world, expressed his belief that America will restore normalcy by the end of next summer.

But he added: "But until early 2022, unless we help other countries get rid of this disease, and unless we achieve broad levels of vaccination in our country, the risk of a resurgence of the epidemic remains.".

Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, Gates has faced widespread criticism for his pessimistic tone, while generating controversy on more than one occasion for his speech in videos recorded years ago, about "The Seychelles global epidemic" Just like the current pandemic did.


Gates’s interview with CNN was realistic and, despite his praise for the announced vaccines, he warned of the danger of getting back to “starting point.”

“Many parts of the United States must act correctly for the country to regain some level of normalcy,” Gates said.

And Bill Gates, 64, is an influential voice in global efforts to tackle the epidemic, and he co-founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Medical Research for this purpose.

When asked about lockdown measures like those taken by the state of California to prevent further Corona injuries, the American billionaire said: “I think, unfortunately, it’s appropriate.”

Gates asked “to make all the possible efforts during the first four to six months of the next work”, considering that the subject “will contribute to the end of the epidemic”.

And Gates, who is one of the richest people in the world, expressed his belief that America will restore normalcy by the end of next summer.

But he added: “But until early 2022, unless we help other countries to get rid of this disease, and unless we achieve ample levels of vaccination in our country, the risk of a resurgence of the epidemic is present.”

Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, Gates has faced widespread criticism for his pessimistic rhetoric, while he has generated controversy more than once for his speech on videos recorded years ago about the “epidemic that will paralyze the world” as the pandemic did. current.
