Bill Gates describes the Corona epidemic as a “nightmare” … and this is his pessimistic view of the vaccine.


Bill Gates, the famous American billionaire, has been openly talking about the pandemic of the deadly emerging corona virus, describing it as “the first modern epidemic” while speaking to US NBC.

Gates described the epidemic as a “nightmare,” stressing that it is an event that will determine the historical era, noting that its effects will continue for many years, according to the US website Al Hurra.

“It will be some time before things are back to normal,” Gates said in an interview with Shabbat al-Hurra, adding: “I hope we are in the middle of the road … but I don’t think so.”

Gates revealed his pessimistic view of the duration of the Corvide 19 vaccine discovery and production, saying: “The United States is still several months, if not years, from producing the vaccine on a large scale.” However, he expressed hope that scientists will get to the vaccine sooner. Or later.

He continued: “The vaccine generally takes more than five years because that requires many steps.” He noted that vaccine development begins with animal testing before moving on to human testing on ever-increasing scales.

Despite his pessimistic outlook, he indicated that the vaccine could be available within the government’s likely deadline of 18 to 24 months, saying: “The best scientists have been working hard this way, in fact, in the past few weeks I have seen signs that we could be getting on the upbeat side and finding a vaccine. “
