“Beware of the wrath of Zamalek” … Mortada Mansour threatens Al-Khatib, Hatab and Hass


01:59 a. M.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Books – Mohamed Yousry Morshed:

Mortada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club, threatened Hisham Hatab, president of the Olympic Committee, Hassan Mustafa, president of the International Handball Federation, and Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of the Al-Ahly Club, following the complaints presented by the last duo to the Egyptian Olympic Committee.

Murtaza Mansour said on Zamalek TV early Tuesday: “Hisham Hatab, Hassan Mustafa and Mahmoud Al-Khatib warned against the wrath of millions,” you will deal with intimidation.

Murtado continued his attack on Hatab: “Your generation will not leave me, and when I come, I will not go alone. I am the president of the Zamalek club, which has been seen by millions.

He added: “Hisham Hatab wants to summon the international authorities against Zamalek, and if it happens, then you must bear Zamalek’s wrath.”

And he continued: “What punishment will you expect from Mortada will not be well received, I will not turn to a foreigner to take away my right. I have needs. If I say so, a lot will happen.”

The president of Zamalek ended his speech by addressing the president of the International Federation of the Hand:

Last Thursday, the Clubs and Values ​​Committee of the Olympic Committee issued the decision to refer Mortada Mansour, chairman of the Zamalek Board of Directors, for investigation, based on her violation of some articles of the code of conduct.

Yasser Idris, spokesman for the Egyptian Olympic Committee, said the committee had received more than 10 complaints from various parties against Murtaza Mansour, indicating that the investigation with him is legal.

In its statement, the committee noted that the specialized committees of the Egyptian Olympic Committee monitor and follow up on any departure or transgression that violates the principles of the Olympic Charter and correct sports ethics, in preparation to refer them to international sports organizations to be carried out. charge of their affairs.

The ten complaints filed against Mortada Mansour were as follows: four from the Football Association, two from the Al-Ahly Club and one from Hani Al-Attal, Abdullah George and Mamdouh Abbas.
