BBC: A sufficient president can be expelled from FIFA for corruption


Malagasy Ahmed Ahmed, president of the African Football Confederation (CAF), is at risk of being suspended from the International Football Association, or FIFA, for violating ethical standards.

The BBC published a report on Ahmed Ahmed and the possibility that he will be expelled internationally and prevented from participating in sports activities due to a violation of ethics marked by FIFA.

This comes after Ahmed Ahmed announced his intention to run for a new presidential term for the African Union, after his first term was nearing the end.

The International Federation of Football Associations is studying Ahmed Ahmed’s case and the FIFA Judicial Chamber will issue its decision at the end of November.

In the event of a decision to expel Ahmed Ahmed, his candidacy for the CAF presidency will be excluded, as he must first pass the FIFA eligibility test.

The BBC reported that the accusations made against KAF relate to the recent controversy surrounding the French company Tactical Steel, which is interested in making sports equipment and is run by an old friend of Ahmed’s.

Siddiq Ahmed Ahmed provided sports equipment and clothing to CAF in 2017 after canceling the partnership agreement with Puma, indicating a corruption charge by the president of CAF.

The Puma deal was $ 250,000 less, but the Tactical Steel deal closed for more than $ 1 million for 22,000 pieces instead of 15,000.

The BBC report noted that the late Egyptian Amr Fahmy, a former African Union secretary, was the first to file a complaint against a sufficient president in this regard.

Ahmed Ahmed previously denied these accusations, describing them as completely malicious and wrong, and attributed the reasons for their publication to the fact that the aim through them is to smear his reputation internationally.
