Bartomeu breaks his silence and comments on the crisis of Messi’s departure and mistrust!


The president of the Barça club, Josep Maria Bartomeu, gave an interview in which he spoke of the thorny records of the club, among which the crisis of the Argentine Lionel Messi and the campaign to withdraw the trust of his board of directors.

Barcelona had announced the success of the procedures for the withdrawal of trust from the Bartomeu City Council, after the end of the campaign to verify the authenticity of the signatures of the club’s members, and the number of valid votes reached 10,687 votes.

“The number of signatures was high and we were surprised, Barcelona is a democratic club and we have 10 days to verify the authenticity of the signatures,” said Bartomeu, in statements to the newspaper “Barça TV” and “TV3” before the match between Barcelona and Elche for the Johann Gamper Cup.

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He added: “The City Council is amazed by the number of signatures, but we respect democracy and the club’s regulations. It is a process of maximum transparency, but we are going to continue working because this does not stop. We still have a few days and we are going to move on. “.

“At the moment nobody wants to resign, the club does not stop and we have a lot of work to do. We want to continue working and we will wait for the process,” he added.

  • Messi’s exit crisis

Regarding the crisis of the departure of the team captain, Bartomeu said: “As president of Barcelona, ​​I am not going to enter into any conflict with Messi. He is our captain. We have seen him during the last days. He is only speaking in the stadium as we have seen. Their crisis is over and everyone has done what they should have done. ” I cannot allow, neither I, nor any of the members of the board of directors or the coaching staff, the departure of the best player in the world, the team needs it, we must support the team and the players, we must be happy that Messi stays with us, Messi has hope with Coman, the most important thing is that he will play in Barcelona, ​​which is like his home, we want Messi to retire from the club, and we also want to establish a project with him ”.

  • Messi accusations to the president of Barcelona

Regarding Messi’s accusations against him, Bartomeu said: “I will not enter into any conflict with our leader. We have to talk about these matters at home and in secret. Now we must congratulate Messi with us, because this is the most important thing. “.

  • Coach Kiki Setien fired

Regarding coach Setien, Bartomeu assured that “the matter is very simple. We told him when the moment of his dismissal came, and we negotiated with him the friendly exit of the club and we have already reached an agreement. I do not see any problem with this. No I want to talk about Setien. I appreciate his help, but he did. ” “We are not talking about the bad things that happened in the past, but rather about the future and what is to come.”

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  • The fate of Luis Suárez and Ricky Puig

“He’s still a Barcelona player, and I can’t say more about this. He is one of the most important players in this club, and he still has a good contract. The talks are confidential,” Bartomeu de Suárez spoke.

Regarding Coman, Bartomeu assured that “he will stay here a year or two or more. I wish him more success. He came to Barcelona and we have loved him for a long time. Coman has a good reputation and reputation. He is a symbol of Barcelona. He talked about Players”. On the eve of the current friendly, no one talked about whether or not he would trust Ricky Puig, but whether he would play a lot or a little, it is not how it was published in the media, we have many elements in the team, and it is important that the team is competitive. “Coman will explain today. It is not a question of what he would or would not count on, but the number of minutes the player will get. Koeman must choose the right players, and the administration fully trusts Coman and Planes, and will accept their decisions.” .

When asked if Barcelona has sufficient funds to contract with the Argentine Lautaro Martínez and / or the Dutch Memphis Depay ?, Bartomeu said: “I am not going to talk about specific names, but Barcelona, ​​like many European clubs, obtained few profits, we cannot sell Match Tickets, our museum is closed, we suffer from the absence of some important resources, and we have to adapt to the situation. We must reduce the salary ceiling and the club structure to comply with the rules of the fair financial game. So far there is no place for new players if we don’t abandon the existing players. Money is not a problem with Lyon. Barcelona has enough resources to close the deal, but for new players to join, others must first leave. There are players who are leaving and others who will come. “

Source: agencies
