Ayman Younis: Our mission is to preserve the Zamalek division until the council returns or another election.


Ayman Younis, a member of the Zamalek Football Committee, revealed the nature of his role in the next stage with Castillo Blanco, where he wrote on his Twitter account: “We keep the football squad, our most important priority … honestly, a group of players that are difficult to repeat … Their men and heroes are very distinguished. After solving the problem or elections and a new board of directors … the important thing is that we commit to keeping the workforce as it is. Our role as children of the club towards the team and its great fans. Lord, your calls ”.

Today, the committee appointed to manage the Zamalek club, headed by Councilor Ahmed Al-Bakry, receives all financial, administrative and technical matters within the Zamalek Club after the Ministry of Youth and Sports issued a decision to appoint a temporary committee. to replace the advice of Mortada Mansour, which was suspended yesterday.

Once the new committee assumes its functions, it will make the first decision to approach the banks and official financial and administrative organizations with which the Zamalek club deals to change the approval of signatures, so that he is one of the members of the new committee in place of councilor Ahmed Jalal Ibrahim, vice president of Zamalek, who was removed from his position on the Council.

Today, a committee from the Directorate of Youth and Sports heads to the headquarters of the Zamalek Club to receive the club after the Ministry of Youth and Sports gave a decision to suspend the council of Mortada Mansour and appoint a committee to manage the club during the next period. Some irregularities.
