At present, 22 regions of Egypt are exposed to heavy rain and snow. Know your area


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Today, Wednesday, the meteorology identified 22 regions that are scheduled to experience torrential rains accompanied by hail, as the country is expected to be affected by the extension of a very effective deep polar depression, accompanied by a very cold air front and accompanied of a surface. depression.

He mentioned that the meteorological phenomena expected for Wednesday are the height of the expected situation, the designated areas for heavy rains adhering to the hail granules are 22 regions (El Alamein – Alexandria – Burj Al Burullus – Damietta – Port Said – Beheira – Kafr El Sheikh – Dakahlia – Mahalla Al Kubra – Tanta – Menoufia – Sharqia Qalyubia – Cairo – Giza – October 6 – Ismailia – Suez), and the areas affected by heavy snowfall are: (Central Sinai, city of Saint Catherine ) and the affected areas for freezing rain with snow showers are: (East of Cairo – Gulf of Suez).

Regarding the meteorological phenomena forecast for Thursday, rains of varying intensity are expected on the northern coasts, and the chances of rain will decrease in the interior regions.

And the weather events expected for Friday, the opportunities for rain of varying intensity continue on the northern coasts and the northern delta, and there is no possibility of rain in the interior regions.

The authority confirmed that the expected temperature during the expected peak condition, a significant decrease in temperature between 10 ~ 8 ° Celsius is expected, and as the weather is expected to be cold during the day and very cold at night, and the statement del The expected maximum temperatures are as follows:

Northern coasts score 12 ~ 10 ° C, Lower Egypt and the Delta score 13 ~ 11 ° C, Canal cities score 13 ~ 11 ° C, Cairo 12 ~ 11 ° C, northern Upper Egypt scores 14 ~ 12 ° C, central and upper south Egypt gets 16 ~ 14 degrees Celsius, Sinai records 8 ~ 5 degrees Celsius, and low temperatures are as follows, northern coasts record 12 ~ 10 degrees Celsius, Lower Egypt and the Delta records 9 ~ 8 degrees Celsius, and the canal cities record 8 degrees Celsius, and Cairo gets 8 degrees Celsius, northern Upper Egypt records ~ 7-8 degrees Celsius, central and southern Upper Egypt gets 4 ~ 6 degrees Celsius, and Sinai scores between 2 ~ 3 degrees Celsius.

Meteorologists warned about the winds expected for Wednesday, the peak of the situation, the expected wind gusts, the northern coasts record 85 ~ 80 km / h, the canal cities record 75 ~ 70 km / h, the delta record 85 ~ 80 km. / h, and Cairo and its surroundings score 80 ~ 75 km / h, northern Upper Egypt records 70 ~ 65 km / h, central Upper Egypt 60 ~ 55 km / h, southern Upper Egypt 45 ~ 40 km / h, North Sinai 80 ~ 75 km / h, Central and South Sinai score ~ ​​65 60 km / h, and the Mediterranean Sea: very turbulent and not allowed for fishing and boating work, wave height expected in the Mediterranean reaches 5.5 to 6 meters, and the winds are less intense tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and are less severe and strong than Tuesday and Wednesday, and the winds are active with strong gusts Sometimes exciting sand and dust .

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