Assad’s wife as president of Syria … Features of a secret plan in Damascus


The personal image of Asma al-Akhras has gone from being “The Lady of Jasmine”, as described by supporters of the regime in their social media accounts, and as promoted by the regime itself, to an “official” image posted on the Assad government ministers offices, as happened recently, in the office of the Minister of Education, Darem al-Tabbaa. After his meeting with an international delegation, on the fifth of this month.

In the details, the image of Al-Assad’s wife appeared, together with the image of the president of the regime, in the departments of his government, and was simultaneously broadcast by the regime’s media, and the media institutions of the “Baath Party” , of which Al-Assad is his secretary general, they reissued the image of Al-Assad’s wife, which is hung on the walls of the ministers’ offices. In an open change, to what was mentioned above, from a revolving door plan with a secret and unannounced scheme, Assad exits and enters his wife, as an alternative, to shed the impact of international sanctions and the siege that is imposed on him, and invent a solution to the Syrian crisis, the regime relying on that, To get him out of his political, economic and social suffocation.

Assad wants to stay, but his replacement is in his hand

And on whether there is a specific plan to escalate Assad’s wife to rule Syria, Syrian journalist and political analyst Ayman Abdel Nour explained that the basis of this problem is that Assad wants to run for president, while the issue of the replacement of Asthma in the presidency is the scheme. No. 2 or Plan B, as he said in a call with Al on Thursday, explaining that Bashar al-Assad “wants to stay, he wants to continue,” and that is what he told the Russian capital, in the period above, with the possibility. Address the issue, with specific decorations, such as running for president with “competitors.”

Abd al-Nur revealed, in his communication with, that Russia can “make arrangements” to nominate a “major competitor” for Assad in the presidential elections, as if he were a major opposition figure, or a former official of one of the Syrian opposition structures, to be a competitor of Assad, confirming in In this context, Moscow “has not yet succeeded” in this effort, but the “arrangements” are in full swing.

Leo – Mute

Abdel Nour indicated that Assad is not limited, with a single choice, to his destiny. Depending on the possible scenario, Abd al-Nur told, it is possible that the “alternative option” is Asma al-Akhras, in case of Russian-American consensus, and with international and international coverage, but Assad ” does not offer this alternative. ” In a crude and cruel way, “according to Abd al-Nur, who explained that Assad began to prepare for this alternative option, or Plan B, to intensify visits, assistance and photographs of Asma al-Akhras, and that during the period Preparations are being made for Asma al-Akhras, including among regime officials and in their offices, where His images began to spread, emphasizing that all of this is presented as an alternative plan, while the main plan is Assad’s effort. for staying in power.

Al-Assad’s wife was subjected to US sanctions under the “Caesar Law” and her family, in addition to the inclusion of her son, Hafez, on the sanctions list, as well as Bashar and his brother, the Major General Maher, and his sister Bushra.

The punishment of the United States to Asma hinders the whereabouts of her husband

Analysts believe that the inclusion of Asma al-Assad on the sanctions list is an implicit American message to the Assad regime, that it will not accept the plan to replace the regime president with his wife, and that it is al-Akhras, as an image of Assad himself. While analysts believe that the possibility of al-Akhras candidacy is not related to his international image, but to the extent of his impact on the regime’s Syrians at home.

In context, Syrian political analyst Ayman Abdel Nour told that the current US administration was willing to issue sanctions against Al-Assad’s wife, before the Trump administration left, to embarrass the next US administration, obstruct any possible understanding and avoid reaching agreements on the future of Asma al-Akhras, in the government of Syria.

It revealed that someone from the “Tsabahji” family, wife of Asma al-Akhras’ brother-in-law, tried to come to the United States and approach and communicate with the current administration, in order to make arrangements for the future of Asma al-Akhras. in the Syrian regime.

The advisor to the “civil works movement” in Syria, lawyer Issa Ibrahim, said in a call with “Al” on Thursday that what he described as the ruling mafia in Syria is deliberately using everything to stay in power. .

Ibrahim explained that the appearance of the image of Asma al-Assad in some government offices occurs in the context of the regime’s effort to ensure its dominance, as one of the slogans that he had previously raised to monopolize power and control the country, using “fanatics and slogans of resistance, Arabism, secularism and protection of minorities” and that the emergence of the image of Assad’s wife, It is in this context, explaining that it arises “as one of the possibilities to ensure the continuity of power in in case Assad cannot stay in the vanguard. “

Ibrahim told that the possibility of climbing Asma as an alternative to her husband, Al-Assad, comes in the context of a thought mechanism that they have “as a family, and is based on the concept of managing the farm. family and not the state. Therefore, the name of the farm owner’s wife was proposed as Plan B in case it was not possible. ” The owner of the farm continues to manage it directly.

Modern appearance and below the state level

The human rights defender and civilian labor consultant in Syria expressed his conviction that Asma al-Assad does not have “popularity in the Syrian sector in general”, explaining that “the clothes of Assad and his wife” do not mean that they express ” modernity and modernity “because they have an” old fractional mentality. ” Under the state level, “and that the two, al-Assad and his wife, are using” modern means to serve the old factional mentality in state administration, which they consider a family farm, “in his words.

It should be noted that the biggest promotion of the image of Asma al-Akhras took place shortly after the fires that hit the Syrian coast and Homs, between the 9th and 12th of last October, so I created a photo of her hanging of three floors, in a sports stadium, in the Baba Amr area of ​​Homs. This was considered “a precedent in the history of the Assad family”, as described by the London-based newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.
