Ashour: I faced a smear campaign for my Thanksgiving Al-Sheikh


Hossam Ashour, a former Al-Ahly player, confirmed that he faced a smear campaign from a Red Club official due to his thanks to Turki Al-Sheikh, the former honorary president of the Red Castle.

In statements published by Majdi Abdel Ghani on his official website in an interview with Ashour at the headquarters of the Professional Players Association, the player said: “I was able to play, but I accepted Al-Ahly’s offer and decided to withdraw.”

Ashour added: “What ruined the retirement party plan drawn up by the Al-Ahly club with Turki Al-Sheikh was not sending a formula for a thank you letter from the club to the former honorary president.”

Ashour continued: “Everything that happened is because I thanked Turki Al-Sheikh, and Jamal Jaber, the media official at Al-Ahly, launched a smear campaign against me on social media, but I thanked Al Sheikh because this is normal with everyone who provides you a service. “

And the former Al-Ahly player added: “This was the beginning of Turki Al-Sheikh’s anger and he has every right to do so, but I thanked him regardless of the problems between him and Mahmoud Al-Khatib or the club’s board of directors. , because this is what I learned from my father. “

The Al-Ahly player finished: “I very much refused to leave Al-Ahly. I could earn 10 times more than what I received, but I preferred to stay. I had 4 or 5 tournaments left to become the most crowned in the world, but some they consider it too much for me and refuse to pass. “
