Armenia publishes confessions of a second Syrian mercenary fighting in Karabakh – Irm News


Armenia publishes confessions of a ...

Today, Sunday, the Armenian Defense Ministry released a video of the confessions of a second Syrian mercenary fighting in the ranks of the Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno Karabakh. And the Syrian fighter named Yusef said

Today, Sunday, the Armenian Defense Ministry released a video of the confessions of a second Syrian mercenary fighting with the Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno Karabakh.

Syrian fighter Yusef al-Abed al-Hajji said he is from Al-Ziyadiyah village in Idlib governorate, was born in 1988, is married with 5 children.

He added that he was promised a monthly salary of up to $ 2,000 and a reward of $ 100 for each head of an “infidel.”

Last Friday, Armenia published the confessions of a Syrian mercenary named Mehrad Muhammad al-Khair, who is fighting in Nagorno Karabakh.

Al-Khair said he arrived in Azerbaijan with 250 other fighters, via Turkey, on October 19.

He added that the Turks promised them a salary of $ 2,000, but he and his companions got nothing.

He said he joined a combat camp under the supervision of Turkish trainers before being sent to the Karabakh front.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Wednesday that Turkey has sent a new group of Syrian mercenaries to Azerbaijan, consisting of 300 mercenaries, bringing their total number to 2,350.

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