“An invitation to those who have the kingdom of everything” .. Sheik Al-Azhar gives his speech on the day of “praying for humanity”


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Today, Thursday, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, delivered a televised speech on the occasion of the call made by the “Higher Committee to Achieve the Objectives of the Human Brotherhood Document” to pray and pray for humanity and get closer to God to advance the epidemic of the Crown of the world.

And the Sheikh of Al-Azhar said that as we invite the world – today – to go to the Almighty, and draw near to Him through worship and supplication, then we – at the same time – urge all of humanity to this universal bond and the common bond between their children, namely, the bond of human brotherhood, to restore the discovery of values ​​Justice, peace, coexistence and equality for all people.

Sheikh Al-Azhar praised the Supreme Committee’s call for human brotherhood and said: “It is a sincere and sincere invitation to address those in possession of the Kingdom of all, and to invoke it, through prayer, supplication and reverence, and resort to him and his power, to accelerate the spread of this cloud of his worship and recover them from their consequences and consequences, And to heal the sick and have mercy on the dead, thanks to him, his and his mercy “, urging its virtue in all humanity to the bond of human brotherhood, in order to restore the discovery of the values ​​of justice, peace, coexistence and equality among all human beings.

And the Sheikh of Al-Azhar asked that this day be a memory engraved in the history of humanity, to restore it every year, so that we can start from it towards a world in which friendship and diversity prevail, and the Tendencies of racism, intolerance and hatred towards the other disappear, and interdependence and cooperation replace estrangement and aggression, and this day will be a witness of our estrangement and aggression. Our determination to stop wars and bloodshed, expressing its virtue thanks to medical teams, scientists and those seeking a treatment that pays us the precious “crown”.

The invitation of the Supreme Committee for Human Fraternity was received with great international acceptance by religious and political leaders, leaders of international organizations and high-ranking religious leaders in the year, when the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and Pope Francis announced their support for this initiative.

Several leaders from major countries and international organizations also announced their support for the supreme appeal of human brotherhood, led by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, the Crown Prince of the Emirates, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, the Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Hariri and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, the Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov and many others.

In a related context, and at the beginning of Thursday morning, in which the Supreme Committee for Human Fraternity invited all the people of the world to pray and pray for humanity, the ADNOC Tower in Abu Dhabi, one of the attractions tourist attractions in the United Arab Emirates, was covered in lights with the motto “Prayer for the good of humanity”, in solidarity with the call made by the Supreme International Committee for Human Brothers for all the peoples of the world to pray and pray for God to lift the human epidemic and calamity on May 14, which received a great international welcome from many presidents, ministers, bodies, religious and artistic personalities, and politicians, and is prominent throughout the world.

The lights painted a picture of the slogan of the Supreme Committee for Human Fraternity, and the hashtag of May 14 “Prayer for Humanity” followed by “Let’s Pray Together” in Arabic and English, to attract the attention of citizens and evaluators, in preparation for the beginning of supplication and prayer for God to raise the scourge and the epidemic of humanity.

Yesterday, Sharif Hidaya Islamic State University in Indonesia held a conference via videoconferencing technology, with the participation of Indonesian President Goku Widodo, and Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdel Salam, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Human Fraternity, statesmen of high rank and all religious communities in Indonesia, to participate in the global initiative launched by the International Committee. The Supreme Court will pray for humanity earlier this month, under the title “Prayer for Humanity.”

Counselor Mohamed Abdel Salam, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Human Fraternity, and former adviser to Sheikh Al-Azhar, delivered a speech at the opening session of the conference, via videoconferencing technology, to announce his thanks and recognition to the President, the government, the people and Indonesia of all religious denominations for their response to the initiative launched by the Supreme Committee for Human Fraternity AND the Indonesian president, Goku Widodo, delivered a speech to the people of the Indonesian Presidential Palace in Bogor, south of Jakarta, this time to announce their welcome and support for the initiative launched by the International High Committee for Human Fraternity, and urged the Indonesian people Li to participate in prayer and supplication on that day to raise the scourge of God and the epidemic of humanity.

The World Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture, ISESCO, also announced its support for the initiative of the Supreme Committee for the Human Fraternity to pray, pray and pray to God to end the epidemic and save humanity. , Thursday May 14, 2020.

In his speech to Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, President of the Council of Muslim Sages, Dr. Salem bin Muhammad Al-Malik, Director General of the organization, said: “We announce our support for the brotherhood appeal human that launched with Pope Francis, all believers of different languages, colors and beliefs, to go to God, the most sincere supplication, prayer and fasting, each according to their beliefs and laws, and make May 14 a world day to pray for humanity, so that God can raise this epidemic.

The “Supreme Committee of Human Fraternity” had launched a worldwide call to all people, regardless of their languages, colors and beliefs, to address God with prayers, prayers, fasts and works of charity, each individual in his place, according with their religion and beliefs, for God to lift the crown epidemic and provide relief. The world is one of this affliction, and scientists are inspired to discover a drug that will eliminate it and to save the world from the health, economic and humanitarian consequences of the spread of this dangerous epidemic.

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