An experimental drug that leads to a surprise … patients recover in less than a week


Source: Arabic.Net – Agencies

Since the early hours of the morning, Friday, the US media has been busy reporting news of patients at a Chicago hospital who responded remarkably to the experimental treatment with Remdesivir, and were released after less than a week, after that the medication alleviated the fever and acute respiratory symptoms they were experiencing.

In detail, the partial data showed encouraging signs after experiments with an experimental drug from US drugs. USA In patients with severe cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the emerging corona virus.

The Medical News (Stat) website said a University of Chicago hospital involved in a study of REMDVIVER, a fluorescent drug, said it had detected a rapid recovery from fever and respiratory system symptoms, and that it had nearly all patients left the hospital in less than a week.

He also mentioned that U Chicago Medicine Hospital recruited 113 volunteers with acute epidemics to participate in this experiment, adding that most of the participants left the hospital, while only two patients died.

Additionally, an analysis by the New England Journal of Medicine last week showed that two-thirds of a small group of patients with acute cases of Covid-19 experienced an improvement in their condition after being treated with a medication remisevir.

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“It is too early to draw conclusions!”

While the manufacturer of the drug confirmed in a statement sent by email that “the inclusion of the data must be analyzed to extract the results of the experiment.”

In turn, U Chicago Medicine Hospital also clarified in an email, according to Reuters, that “the partial data from an ongoing clinical trial is essentially incomplete and should not be used to draw conclusions.”

While the university said that information from an internal forum for researchers related to this ongoing experimental work was published without official authorization.

The results of the third phase of the study are expected to be published in patients with severe cases of Covid-19 by the end of the month, and additional data from other studies will be available in May.

It is noteworthy that so far there is no approved drug for Covid-19, which is a highly contagious disease caused by the emerging coronavirus, which has infected more than two million people worldwide.
