An energetic statement from the Olímpico in response to Murtaza: His speech is beaten and he does not want


1:46 pm

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Books – Masrawy Editor:

The Olympic Committee issued a statement on Tuesday to respond to the statements of the Zamalek president during his televised speeches on his club’s channel on September 23, 24 and 25.

In its statement, the committee confirmed the incorrect assertions of the president of Zamalek, regarding the existence of a letter from the president of the Olympic Committee, Hisham Hatab, addressed to the president of the International Handball Federation, Hisham Hatab, which contains phrases that injure interests of the Egyptian state.

The Olympic communiqué said: “An investigation was carried out by the Supreme State Security Prosecutor’s Office, and it ordered investigations by sovereign bodies on the validity of this speech and its content, as well as its assignment to a technical committee to examine the Egyptian Olympic Committee computers and all the stamps the committee uses on official documents. You send it to different parts. “

The statement added: “The quality of the documents used in these documents was examined, and it was found that all of the committee stamps differed in their entirety and in detail from the stamps on which the struck letters that the president of Zamalek claims had come out. of the Olympic Committee, and the technical examination committee showed that the documents used by the Olympic Committee differ. ” Exactly the size and weight of the paper that included the crossed out speech, in addition to the absence of letters or correspondence whatsoever in this regard made from the computers of the Olympic Committee ”.

The Olympic communiqué attacked Mortada Mansour, describing what he repeated as “falsehoods”: with what is clearly evidenced, the above is clearly and unequivocally defamation of the claim of the president of the Zamalek Club and his violation of the just legal reality, and that the president of the aforementioned club does not look behind these falsehoods anything more than malice and offensive symbols Egypt Sports, directed by Professor Dr. Hassan Mostafa.

The Olympic Committee supported his claim that what Mortada Mansour, President of Zamalek, did was prompted by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee and the decision of the Committee of Sports Bodies, Clubs and Values ​​of the Egyptian Olympic Committee to refer him research committee on implementation of the Code of Conduct, and is a reaction to its referral, and is not a starting point for this behavior. His love for his country, otherwise why did he not express this will and that desire before Wednesday 09/23/2020, the date of his referral to the investigative commission, noting that more than a year and a half have passed since the preservation of this report from the Supreme State Security Prosecutor’s Office, which confirms it with unequaled certainty. That what he reported on these letters is slander, according to the statement.

The Olympic Committee stated in its statement that it will present communications to the Attorney General to take action on the actions and statements of the President of Zamalek that represent crimes in accordance with the provisions of articles 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 325 and 327 of the Penal Code.

The statement affirmed that the Olympic Committee is willing to respect the constitution and the law, and based on its enthusiasm to preserve proper behavior and consolidate values ​​and ethics through the laws and regulations that have empowered it in the field of sports. sports, the Olympic Committee will proceed on its way to maintain sporting morale, preserve the principles of the Olympic Charter and respect the Egyptian constitution. .

The Olympic Committee also concluded the statement of the Olympic Committee in which it affirms its appreciation to all international legislative, judicial and executive authorities and their support for the Egyptian state in all its apparatus, and the position of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, who approved the issuance of the Sports Law, as well as the honorable representatives of the people who had the merit of seeing the Sports Law No. 71 of 2017 Al-Noor to contribute to continental, international and global sport.
