An appeal and an exception to work in the media within the 6 decisions of the Al-Ahly administration meeting


The Board of Directors of the Al-Ahly Club, headed by Mahmoud Al-Khatib, met tonight, Thursday, under the system of “videoconferencing”, to discuss various files and make a series of decisions.

Mahmoud Al-Khatib was accompanied by Mohamed Morjan, CEO, at the club’s branch in Sheikh Zayed, where the Information Technology Department equipped a screen in the boardroom, through which the club president could communicate with board members remotely.

The “videoconference” meeting is part of the precautionary and preventive measures taken to deal with the Corona virus, which is sweeping all countries in the world today.

At its beginning, the meeting witnessed the presentation of the Board of Directors, their deepest condolences to Club Zamalek, its officials and its fans, for the death of Ahmed Al-Bakri, Chairman of the Interim Committee, who passed away on Thursday, invoking to the Lord, glory and majesty, may he cover it with the mercy of his mercy and bring it to its fullness.

The Council adopted the following decisions at its meeting today:

Approval of the renewal for all managers, with the appointment of Ahmed Al-Nahhas to the position of director of the club branch in Nasr City.

– Assign Mohamed El Alfi, Director of Services of the clubhouse on the island, the supervision of the services and all the points of sale in the different branches of the club.

– Ashraf Omar Muhammad is promoted to the position of Deputy Director of the Marketing Department … provided the assessment is reassessed within 3 months regarding the renewal of trust, in light of the efforts of the Board of Directors to achieve its objective of providing the best services to club members.

– At its meeting today, the Council approved the work of Tariq Mahrous, technical director of the men’s handball team, as an analyst in the Handball World Cup, which will host Egypt during the period from January 13 to 31.

Approval of the work of Yasser Al-Ramli, head of the club’s handball apparatus, as coordinator of the International Gaming Federation during the next activities of the World Championship, as well as an exception for the two of the decision to move away from the media work that the club approves the technical work in the club.

We urge all members and sports teams to vigorously return to take all precautionary and preventative measures to combat Coronavirus, in order to preserve the safety of all and emphasize the need to use sterilization tools, be careful with the use of masks and stay completely out of meetings and inside.

The meeting also witnessed the emphasis on coordination between the executive management and the club’s medical committee, in order to emphasize all precautionary and preventive measures to face the Coronavirus.
