An American scientist who worked with the Wuhan Institute: Corona was not out of the laboratory


02:50 am

Sunday 03 May 2020

Books – Mohamed Ataya:
The United States recently directly attacked China, blaming it directly for the outbreak of the Coronavirus worldwide, either intentionally or by mistake.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has emphasized on more than one occasion that he is sure that the virus leaked from the Wuhan laboratory in China, stressing that he has evidence.

Although the United States Intelligence Agency stated, a few days ago, that the epidemic was impossible to be of human origin, and the hypothesis that the virus was released from the Wuhan Laboratory was not confirmed.

While the United States has already begun its investigations to confirm the accuracy of the Trump administration’s speculations, there was another point of view from Jonah Mazet, an epidemiologist at the University of California, who worked with researchers at the Wuhan Institute of China and trained them in last.

The American researcher told the magazine “Business Insider”: “I know that we work together to develop a very strict safety protocol, and it is unlikely to be an accident in the laboratory, and there are four reasons for this.”

Laboratory samples differ from the virus.
The Wuhan Institute has the only level 4 China Biosafety Laboratory, and is one of only ten in the world.

Scientists study the most dangerous known infectious microbes and humanity for humanity in this type of facility.

Virus scientist Shi Chengli confirmed that, in recent years, he collected samples of coronaviruses that have spread in Chinese bats, and took samples to study them.

In 2013, Xi and his collaborators determined the number of bats most likely responsible for the “SARS” outbreak.

But after the announcement of the “Covid-19” strain, Cheng Li, Scientific American, confirmed that he had quickly examined his lab record from the past few years for accidents, especially during elimination.
He confirmed that he had reviewed his laboratory samples, and the new virus circulating in Wuhan, and that they did not match, but were different.

The laboratory implements strict security protocols.
In 2018, US officials voiced concerns about security concerns at the Wuhan Institute, according to the “Washington Post,” but US scientist Mazit said laboratory workers are struggling to prevent the spread of any type of disease or virus.

“In the field, they wear personal protective equipment, which includes multiple layers of gloves, eye protection, full body suits and masks,” Mazet said.

He added that samples collected from bats are immediately divided between some vials containing chemicals that act to interrupt the virus and other containers that leave the virus alive, then all the samples are immediately immersed in liquid nitrogen, freezing them and then it is disinfected. The vials are brought to the laboratory.

He explained that when the samples are studied later, the researchers use only the dead, non-infectious samples.

The virus is the last in a long chain.
Experts estimate the hypothesis that the “Covid-19” coronavirus probably jumped from an animal to humans, and was not leaked from a laboratory.

The American scientist explained that all the recently spread coronaviruses originated from bats, noting that genetic research confirmed the same for Corona.

He added that three out of four emerging infectious diseases come to us from other types, which are known as zoonotic diseases.

He noted that the coronavirus is the seventh animal virus that has spread to humans in the past century.

“In the past 45 years, at least four epidemics have been returned to bats,” he added.

Ordinary people are more susceptible to infection than researchers.
Mazet said caves and wild places where bat specimens are collected are dangerous places for humans, where humans can be exposed to live viruses spread in animals.

He explained that for the researchers, they roam these caves with full personal protective equipment; But tourists, hunters, and others who depend on animals for some food or commercial capabilities are wandering around less protected places.
