Amr Adeeb is back in the hospital .. pain and complications (details)


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A source close to the media, Amr Adib, confirmed that the latter would carry out new checks after feeling some pain while at home, after being discharged from the hospital after the accident he suffered on the Dahshur road.

The source confirmed that Amr Adeeb will not appear again for a week, so that doctors can reassure him after his complaints of pain, due to the severe bruising he suffered as a result of the accident.

Journalist Amr Adib had an accident on Dahshour Road in the area on October 6, due to bad weather conditions.

A source responsible for the program’s preparation team confirmed that the journalist is in good condition, but he was transferred to the Dar Al Fouad hospital in the city on October 6 to carry out the necessary controls, after his car was destroyed.

A source responsible for the program’s preparation team added that Adeeb’s condition is reassuring and that he is currently heading to Dar Al Fouad Hospital, with tons of Adeeb’s condition.

It is noteworthy that yesterday, Tuesday is the permission of the journalist Amr Adib to present the story program that he presents on the MBC screen, and he was returning to his home in October City and not from the program.

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