Amir Mortada on the end of the electrification crisis and preferred: They drank lemon and reconciled


09:54 a. M.

Tuesday 03 November 2020

Books – Ali Al-Bahji:
Amir Mortada Mansour, Zamalek Club football supervisor, commented on the Football Association’s response to the recent crisis between Mahmoud Kahraba, a player for Al-Ahly, and Mohamed Fadl, a member of the five-member committee of the leadership. of the Football Association, during the Red Castle league celebrations.

Amir wrote through his personal account on the social network Twitter: “The Discipline Committee fined me 50 thousand pounds for writing this post in which I attributed the Farscore coach … and the member of the Five Year Committee collided with a player in the air directly and the player caught it. Without what we know who is wrong and the world suffers! A disgusting need ”.

Amir Mortada had previously posted on his Twitter account: “My condolences to the family of Captain Akram Hafila and the Farscore Club. Achieving, and for them, they are classified as brown human beings, similar to the competitions they organize ”.

For his part, Sayed Bendari, president of the Disciplinary Committee of the Egyptian Football Association, revealed the details of the complaint by Mohamed Fadl, a member of the Five-Year Committee, and Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba, an Al-Ahly player, about the incident. to deliver the league shield to the red giant.

“We investigated the incident after a complaint from Fadl and Kahraba through Al-Ahly,” Bendari said, in a telephone statement to “Ontime Sports.” The observer report for the Al-Jaysh and Al-Ahly parties did not mention anything about the Fadl and Kahraba incident.

For his part, Mohamed Fadl, member of the five-year committee in charge of the management of the Egyptian Football Association, confirmed that he had closed his crisis that occurred with Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba, Al-Ahly player, during the award ceremony from the garter shield to the red giant.

“There is a lot of confusion about the history of Kahraba,” Fadl said in telephone statements to “The Great House” program on the “Al-Ahly” channel.

He added: “The summary of the matter is that a younger brother visited his older brother at his home, in the presence of Amr Al-Janayni, President of the Football Association, Mohamed Morgan, Walid Al-Attar and Muhammad Barakat.
