Al-Sisi after ending the rogue ship crisis: “The Egyptian will is where the Egyptians decide”


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President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi thanked and greeted all who contributed to completing the float of the rogue ship in the Suez Canal.

Al-Sisi said, through his official account on the Twitter blog site: “Today’s Egyptians have managed to end the criminal ship crisis in the Suez Canal despite the tremendous technical complexity surrounding this process by all sides, and by returning things to their natural course, with Egyptian hands, the whole world is assured the path of its goods and needs, through which this axial navigational artery passes.

The president went on to say: “I thank all sincere Egyptians who contributed technically and practically to ending this crisis. Today, Egyptians have shown that they are always responsible, and that the canal they dug with the bodies of their ancestors and defended Egypt’s right to the souls of their parents … will continue to bear witness that the Egyptians will go where the Egyptians decide, and goodbye, my country.

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