Al-Masry: Mahmoud Wadi made a mistake … and there is no agreement with Pyramids


Adnan Halabia, a member of the Al-Masry Al-Port Said Board of Directors, confirmed that Palestinian team forward Mahmoud Wadi made a mistake when announcing his departure from the club, stating that there was no agreement for the player to move to the rows of Pyramids.

“Mahmoud Wadi made a mistake announcing his departure from the club live. The player betrayed him by Al-Tawfiq, and we blame him for that,” Halabiya said, in a telephone statement to the “Al-Talah Audience” program on the “On channel. Time Sports 2 “.

He added: “There is no contract with Pyramids until Mahmoud Wadi announces this matter. Negotiations are still ongoing between the two parties and we are studying the matter.”

He continued: “Mahmoud Wadi has a two-year contract with Al-Masry Al-Borseidi, and we have another offer in Egypt besides Pyramids to sign the player, and there is an offer from outside Egypt.”

A member of Al-Masry’s board of directors concluded: “There is a penalty clause in the player’s contract of £ 50 million within Egypt and $ 2 million outside Egypt.”

Notably, Mahmoud Wadi announced in televised remarks the end of his relationship with Al-Masry and his approach to moving to Pyramids, noting that his goal is to achieve personal and collective achievements with his new club if the deal is finalized.
