Al-Masry Light / Baba Vanga .. 27 information about a woman waiting for a calamity before it happens: this is what awaits the world in 2021


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He left his body and stood with his expectations and predictions. Before her death in 1996, the entire future of the world was occupied by her, beginning with the policies of the great powers, her talk about the fate of politicians she had yet to experience, and even the natural disasters that afflicted separate parts of our world. planet.

Days before 2021, some sought out the legacy of the Bulgarian fortune teller Baba Vanga, until the British newspaper, the Daily Mail, raised the late lady’s expectations for this year, the most prominent of which were: “Various disasters occurred, a cure for cancer, Trump lost his reputation and was exposed. Russian President Vladimir Putin for an assassination attempt “.

These predictions turned “Vanga” into a “trend” despite her death 24 years ago. From this point of view, “Al-Masry Light” presents, in the next report, 27 information about the blind Bulgarian fortune teller, according to the publication of the newspaper “The Sun”.

27. She was born in 1911.

26. His parents did not give him his name because doctors expected him to die quickly.

25. But her life continued naturally, her eyes were brown and her hair blonde.

24. Her father was a conscript in the Bulgarian army during World War I, and her mother died shortly after, so Vanga trusted herself from the start.

2. 3. “Vanga”, despite her young age, distinguished herself by intelligence, she described some herbs to her friends who pretended to be ill.

22. A hurricane that hit the area where she lives changed her life completely, after it ended, people found her in pain, and this was because her eyes were filled with a thick layer of dust and sand, to the point that she was deprived of reopening them, and lost her sight at age 12.

twenty-one. In 1925, “Vanga” attended a school for the blind in Zemun, where he spent 3 years.

twenty. At her school, “Vanga” learned to read braille, play the piano, as well as knit, cook and clean.

19. After her stepmother passed away, she returned home to care for her younger siblings.

18. In 1939, Vanga contracted a disease that nearly killed her, but she did not die as doctors expected for the second time.

17. During the Second World War, some believers flocked around him in his ability to heal and find out whether or not their missing relatives were alive.

sixteen. On April 8, 1942, her reputation reached the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III, who visited her at her home.

fifteen. After the end of the war, Bulgarian politicians and various leaders of the Soviet republics, led by Soviet Prime Minister Leonid Brezhnev, sought her out for her advice.

14. Because of these expectations, her fans called her “Nostradamus of the Balkans”.

13. “Vanga” predicted the Kursk nuclear submarine disaster. In 1980, he said that “Kursk” will be covered in water and the world will cry for it, which happened in August 1999.

12. He also predicted the “use of chemical warfare by Muslims against Europeans”, and some even saw it as a reference to the gas attack that occurred in Syria some time ago.

eleven. Vanga also awaited Britain’s exit from the European Union, saying: “Europe will cease to exist in 2017.”

10. He also expected the forty-fourth president of the United States of America to be black, which was achieved with the assumption of the presidency of Barack Obama for 8 years.

9. In 1989, he said, “the American brothers will fall, after being attacked by birds of steel, and innocent blood will gush out,” which was seen by observers as a reference to the attacks of September 11, 2001.

8. He expected the president of the United States of America, whose term will end in 2021, to develop a mysterious illness that would cause nausea, tinnitus, strokes and hearing loss.

7. Looking to the future, “Vanga” predicted the occurrence of “global hunger” between 2025 and 2028, with China overtaking the United States of America as a superpower.

6. He predicted the melting of ice at the poles between 2033: 2045.

5. At its convention, the surface of Mars will become a colony, which will be a nuclear power center, and its inhabitants will claim independence from Earth in the period 2256: 2170.

Four. Finally, divination predicted the end of the universe in the year 5079.

3. The correct expectation rate for “Vanga” was 85%.

2. “Vanga” died on August 11, 1996, after suffering from breast cancer.

1. In compliance with his will, the Vanga house was turned into a museum on May 5, 2008.
