Al-Masry Al-Youm Tracks 20 Minutes Lost Between Sohag Accident Trains


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Al-Masry Al-Youm observes, through the operating schedule of the two trains, the passage of 20 minutes, which is the time distance between the 157 Sohag-Alexandria train and the 2011 Aswan-Cairo train.

At first, the distinctive first route of train 157 reveals that the departure time from Sohag is 11:15 minutes and it stops at Maragha station at 11:33 minutes, then it arrives in Tahta city, which is about 3 kilometers from the crash site in 11:49 minutes. While the second train leaves Sohag at 11:35 minutes to arrive at Maragha station at 11:50 minutes, and is scheduled to arrive in Tahta at 12:05 minutes, which indicates that there are 16 minutes that two trains separate, at the scene of the accident.

Sources clarified that the time of the accident set by the railway in its statement, which is 11:44 minutes in the city of Al-Sawamiah (between Maragha station and Tahta) reveals that the air-conditioned train is still between Sohag and Maragha. and the question: How did you exceed the speed and arrive more than 15 minutes before?

The route of the two trains also reveals that the air-conditioned train exceeds the Tama station characteristic, as it stops at the provincial stations only at the time when the distinguished train stops in the centers between the cities.

Sources revealed that the distance between Maragha station and Tahta is 12 kilometers, and this distance works with a modern signaling system that stops trains immediately in the event of a train breakdown.

In all cases, he added, the train is scheduled to stop 3 kilowatts from the crash site.


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