Al-Ganaini reveals the reason for the exclusion of Ahmed Mortada and refuses to comment on the suspension of the Zamalek Council


Amr Al-Ganaini, head of the five-year committee in charge of managing the Football Association, declined to comment on the Sports Ministry’s decision to suspend the Zamalek club’s board of directors and refer its material violations to the Prosecutor’s Office. The Sports Ministry suspends the Zamalek Council, and the Sports Minister is the only one who knows the reasons for this decision.

He added: Today a sports wedding and a tribute to the respected members of the General Assembly, a more than wonderful democratic debate, and from 11 in the morning it took us about 9 hours, and I thank my colleagues in the Five-Year Committee. .

Wasel: All that we could have provided without contradicting the law that we did, I could not prevent Ahmed Mortada Mansour from entering the hall, but there are certain conditions so that the public cannot be challenged in any way, and therefore the way it came from Zamalek it was not correct and totally respectful for everyone.

He concluded: My mission will end on November 30, I thank all my colleagues and I apologize to those who fell short with whom I only applied the regulations, and I believe that I have fulfilled my letter.

Today, the General Assembly of the Football Association was held in the presence of 79 members of the General Assembly, and during the session the members rejected the proposed point 12 of the quintet, which makes the members limited to 96 members only , and after lengthy discussions lasting an hour and a half, the vote on the proposal was rejected and the amendment voted to increase the number of Assembly members to 134 members.

The General Assembly also triumphed in article 37 of the eight-year progressive, which was established as of the five-year period to apply retroactively to those who had previously entered the Federation Council, but the General Assembly rejected it and voted to cancel the effect retroactive clause and make it immediate since the regulation was applied and approved.
