Al-Burhan warned Ethiopia: we are prepared for any eventuality


The head of the Sovereign Council of Sudan, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, demanded in a closed-door meeting in the Omdurma region, demanding that Ethiopia immediately withdraw from Sudanese lands.

He said Ethiopia is occupying Sudanese lands and tells the world otherwise, warning that his country is ready for any eventuality.

He stressed that his country will not negotiate with Ethiopia on the borders, unless it recognizes the Sudanese lands in Al-Fashaqa.

Al-Burhan declared that Khartoum would demand the Ethiopian forces to withdraw from all Sudanese lands.

He affirmed that the Sudanese Armed Forces will continue to be the true protector of the people, their revolution and the protector of change.

Al-Burhan said: “The armed forces will continue to be the first barrier to protect change. The armed forces are the ones that brought about change in the country and protected it. We aspire to preserve the unity of Sudan and to enjoy peace and to its people live the dignified life they deserve, and we will work on that with civilian political forces and peace partners. “

He noted that the Omdurman military region represents the main backbone and support of the armed forces.

Al-Burhan appreciated the great role that the region plays within the armed forces system, noting that the country’s transition phase has undergone enormous challenges that required making many concessions and sacrifices.

The head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council said: “The armed forces have been facing and sharing with the Sudanese people all the challenges they are going through and that were necessary for the transition phase.”

Sudan condemned Ethiopian aggression on its territory and considered it a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, which would have dangerous repercussions on the security and stability of the region.

The Sudan holds Ethiopia fully responsible for the consequences of its aggression and demands that it immediately cease the invasion of its territory, modify the dialogue and ensure the completion of the redesign of the agreed borders and their marking.

“The transition phase requires that we all band together around the Sudanese state to cross it for safety,” he added.

He noted that armed forces employees are the main pillar in the construction of Sudan and the crossing of the transition phase, highlighting the concern for the nationalism, unity and cohesion of the armed forces, and renewing the commitment to build armed forces. nationals committed to the principles of the constitution, according to Sky News.

Al-Burhan called on the movements that are not signatories to the peace agreement to sit down and negotiate to reach an agreement that contributes to building the country and crossing it to safety, and urged the political forces to accelerate the completion of the governance structures and the Legislative Council, in compliance with the demands of democratic transformation.

He emphasized that the military component works in full cooperation and coordination with all political forces for the good of the country and its unity.
