Al-Ahly, Zamalek and the Olympic Committee show cooperation with inspection committees


The inspection committees made up of specialists and experts who have the status of judicial seizure of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Central Audit Organization continue their work of control and inspection in many sports organizations in various provinces, starting Sunday morning and continuing for the next period.

Today, Sunday inspections included many bodies, in particular the Al-Ahly and Zamalek clubs, the Egyptian Olympic Committee, the wrestling and rowing federations, Samouha, the Egyptian Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) and many other youth and sports organizations across all governorates of the Republic.

Officials from Al-Ahly, Zamalek, Samouha, the Olympic Committee and various sports clubs and federations today showed their full cooperation with the inspection committees by providing the necessary documents, papers, files and notebooks to complete the work of these committees.

It was agreed with some sports organizations to complete the delivery of the commission’s requests tomorrow, Monday, in preparation for the work and review of the final reports, including the financial and administrative examination work of each body separately.

In the same context, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi yesterday held an extensive meeting with representatives of the inspection committees to urge them to carefully monitor all the documents and notebooks of all the organs, as well as to intensify the work of these committees to that they can complete the inspection of all sports and youth bodies and take the appropriate legal measures against all incidents in coordination with various parties. And the regulatory institutions of the country.

It should be noted that, in light of the coordination carried out by the Minister of Youth and Sports with the different competent authorities, the Minister of Justice issued Resolution No. 6741 of 2020 to authorize the workers and specialists of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the members of the inspection commissions, the status of the judicial police officers so that they can carry out their inspection and monitoring tasks in the different bodies. Sports and take the appropriate legal measures in the face of the various facts that are evident to them during the course of the work of these committees during the next period.
