Al-Ahly lover. Abul-Enein reveals the details of his dialogue with Al-Khatib on Cleopatra Ceramics


Mohamed Abu El-Enein, president of the Cleopatra Ceramics Club, said that he welcomes the great stars who attended the press conference, explaining that the beginning is always difficult and reaching the top is more difficult, but with perseverance you can achieve.

He said that the day is historic for the Ceramica Club to present its first team, and is proud of the speech of the President of the Republic in Paris, after he confirmed that Egypt is a state of institutions that builds a modern state and a vision, and which strongly supports and insists on establishing a comprehensive modern state and healing responses to all international media, indicating that Those who always try to stop the process of development and construction, but the insistence of the Egyptian leadership put Egypt at the forefront, and a I salute President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, who represents Egypt, Arabs and Muslims in the best possible way, and his defense of the prophet Muhammad Al-Karim was at the top, and he is a leader with weight and respect and exalts Egypt worldwide on a historic day. .

Abo El-Enein highlighted sending a greeting to the athletes and heroes of Egypt and to greet the former team that contributed to the classification for the league, as well as the new group that was happy And looking forward to being at Cleopatra Club, soccer is the most important sport and the most important field for investment, and it is an investment of a special, professional and creative kind.

He explained that the Egyptian people are throbbing for football, and are happy that his club has included an excellent group of big stars in various centers, and the club has signed 20 new players to sustain its ranks with very strong elements capable of present a distinctive image of the club in the league.

He revealed that Cleopatra Group is a group integrated with a sporting activity, which is the most beloved activity for him, wanting to support him with full force, and happy with the followers and interested in his young team, highlighting that it provides all the capabilities to the players, and the goal is not an honorable representation but an investment, seriousness and a clear goal, with Presenting sports ethics and raising the slogan No to fanaticism in all matches, and your team carries a clear message that seeks to show , and there are surprises to be revealed in the coming days.

He greeted Haitham Shaaban, the technical director, stressing that it is the future of technical management in Egypt, and he refused to hire another coach after coming to the league and stood firm and committed to him, and extended the thanks, appreciation and I respect Moataz Al-Battawi, the ball supervisor, who gives everything he has to the team and helped it get to the Premier League, and that Tariq Abu Al-Anin is making a fabulous effort to support the team and help it appear in the best way, indicating that all capabilities are available to the team.

Abu Al-Enein revealed that he is a lover and fan of the Al-Ahly club, but currently supports his club and not fanaticism in the sport, he greeted Mahmoud Al-Khatib, the head of Al-Ahly, who spoke with him and He highlighted providing everything to support his club, which is new to the league, highlighting that the name of his club is Ceramica Cleopatra and not just Ceramica.
