Ahmed Musa applauds the government live (video)


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Journalist Ahmed Moussa started today’s episode of his Sada Al-Balad channel with applause for the government, which responded to citizen demands to postpone the implementation of the real estate registry.

Journalist Ahmed Moussa said he promised to applaud the government on the air of its program, as soon as the demand for postponement of the implementation of the law is satisfied.

Ahmed Musa said during the presentation of his program on the channel “Sada Al Balad” on Sunday, that the government responded to the delay in the implementation of the real estate registration law, and to review some of its articles.

Ahmed Musa called on citizens to register for the next nine months, which was given before the law is amended again and the problems are removed.

He indicated that the government will work to reform the law and separate the collection of property taxes from the real estate registry.

On Sunday, the government agreed to postpone the implementation of the real estate registry until the end of next December, to facilitate citizens.

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