Ahmed Karima to Abdullah Rushdie: Whoever forbids congratulating Christians is “shy and ignorant”


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Dr. Ahmed Karima, professor of Comparative Jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University, responded to what he described as anomalous views that forbid Christians to congratulate on their holidays.

Karima said during a telephone interview with the press, Azza Mustafa, on the “Tahrir Hall” program of the “Echo of the Country” channel: “Every year and the whole world is in goodness, peace and love, and unfortunately some people dare to issue fatwas without knowledge of jurisprudential sciences “. Like Eid al-Adha and the Blessed, and other occasions like immigration and the birthday of the Prophet. We have community events like Eid Sham al-Naseem for Egyptians and Mother’s Day.

The professor of comparative jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University added: “The Messenger said that every nation has a festival, and it is enough that the Holy Quran glorifies the day of Christ’s birth, peace be upon him.” He asked: “How can he who is impassive, ignorant and denies celebrate and celebrate the birth of Christ, peace be upon him?”

He added: “The opinion of the Salafis and Abdullah Rushdie on the ban on congratulating Christians is an anomaly and a struggle that Egyptians did not know until the 1970s.”

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