Ahmed Badir’s daughter announces that her father is suing May Al-Eidan … accusing her of ailment


11:56 a. M.

Sunday 29 November 2020

I wrote – Mona Al-Moji:

Sarah, the daughter of artist Ahmed Badir Azm, and her father announced the prosecution of Kuwaiti journalist Mai Al-Aidan, accusing her of intimidating and insulting him.

Sarah wrote through her personal account on the “Facebook” website: “Due to our belief in the importance of confronting the phenomenon and scourge of bullying, which has become widespread in society … my father decided to appoint the teacher Ashraf Abdelaziz, the lawyer, to take the necessary legal measures against the abuse of the Kuwaiti journalist May Al-Eidan, and somehow prevented it. Indecent. “

May had posted a photo of Ahmed Badir and his daughter, and commented: “The photo of the artist’s daughter Ahmed Badir … By God, his daughter Talaat, Mazza, bint Al-Aqra.”

For her part, Ahmed Badir’s daughter Sarah responded via Facebook, saying: “Ok, I woke up today. I found all of Egypt with me, according to Professor May Al-Aidan Media’s post. I hear from you, of course , and I know you are a tough guy who loves bullying, especially bullying. ” Artists!

She added: “But I would like to explain to you how much this is needed: first, I am a great father who is one of the stars of the Arab world, and I am not going to let you talk about the text a word, and I think you have seen it Enough in the attack of the entire Arab world against you, which surprised me and I am grateful to all the people who responded.

And he continued: “Secondly, if artists for you their life is permissible, then I am not an artist for you to give me a useful sentence (with respect to all artists of course). Third, my father, whom you attended in it, this taught me to reject bullying in all its forms, and you are my mistake, I’m sure I won’t stop! And finally I am. My father, he likes the moon, and his opinion, after his permission, keep it for you after this. “Then” Sarah “posted another photo with her father and commented:” You know, Professor May Talaqili, a boyfriend brown, and Qamar is like a father. “
