After Turki Al-Sheikh’s statements, Pyramids issues an official statement


08:26 p. M.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Books – Masrawy Editor:

Pyramids Club issued an official statement responding to statements by Turki Al Sheikh, the former owner of the club and director of the Saudi Entertainment Authority.

Turki Talib was in a televised statement for the “Al-Hekaya” program with journalist Amr Adib. The club explained the disconnection of its relationship with the administration, adding: “It is not correct what you do, Mamdouh Eid … if you do something and are convinced of it, people have come across what you use the name of Turki Al “Sheikh so far. He’s doing it within the Pyramids Club … I invite Brother Salem Al Shamsi to solve the problem.

The declaration of the pyramids was as follows:

“Pyramids club, first and foremost, is an Egyptian club and aims to contribute to the development and advancement of Egyptian football, and have a positive impact on the field of sports investment and enter our beloved Egypt, and the club has a large number of investors, led by His Excellency Salem Al Shamsi.

The Pyramids management confirms that the adviser Turki Al Sheikh does not hold any stake in his name among the club’s investors and that their relationship has completely ended since the end of last season and with the transfer of ownership of the club in favor of the current leadership headed by His Excellency Salem Al Shamsi, who is making a great effort with the executive leadership to put Pyramids in a dignified position and compete for all. Tournaments “.
